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Updated: August 22, 2024

And at this moment she was plunged in such despair, that her sister's sudden appearance on the scene did not even astonish her: "Ah! it's you," she gasped. "Ah! if you only knew what a blow's fallen on me in the middle of all our worries!" Madame Theodore at once thought of the children, Lucienne and Marcelle. "Are your daughters ill?" she asked.

I was raised up among the hills in Vermont, and I shall always be a real up-country woman if I live here a hundred years. The sea doesn't come natural to me, it kind of worries me, though you won't find a happier woman than I be, 'long shore.

"I was wrong to grumble to you," she answered. "You have worries enough of your own. I release you from your pledge." "I will not be released," he said. That night Clare Trojan, before going to bed, went into Garrett's room. He was working at his book, and, as usual, hinted that to take such advantage of his good-nature by her interruption was unfair.

Civilisation is a fine thing in its way, but the petty worries and annoyances, the bustle and excitement, the crowds of people, the "you can't do this," and "you must do that," the necessity for dressing in most uncomfortable garments to be like other people, and a thousand other such matters, so distress a bushman, who, like a caged beast in a menagerie, wanders from corner to corner and cannot find where to rest, that he longs for the day that he will again be on the track, with all his worldly goods with him and the wide world before him.

It is hard on a fellow when he comes once in a while to see his sisters to be called over the coals by them. You know I'm awfully fond of you, Kitty, and somehow I thought you'd be a comfort to me. You know very little indeed of the real worries of life." Loftus spoke in a tone of such feeling that Catherine's warm heart was instantly touched. "I won't say any more," she answered.

They were warm, their hunger was appeased, and, in spite of their many worries over the loss of the airship and their companions, they were so tired out that they felt very sleepy. Soon the professor's head nodded over, shortly Andy was snoring and in a little while Washington too slumbered. They did not know how long they had slept, but they were suddenly and rudely awakened by being shaken.

During the summer of 1841, amidst many discouragements and financial worries, the erection of the buildings went forward. On October 21st, 1841, the Principal, who was one of the building committee, notified the Board that they were nearly ready for the reception of pupils. But their completion was for various reasons delayed several months.

It chanced to be a day of drenching summer rain, and Ford, with a renewed effort to get some clew to her identity, expressed his surprise that she should have been allowed to venture out. "Oh, no one worries about what I do," she said, indifferently "I go about as I choose." "So much the better for me," he laughed.

Only, very few of us can practically merge our cares and our worries into so serene an atmosphere." "Some do so without knowing anything of aesthetics and with no pretence to be Stoics; but, then, they are Christians." "There are some such Christians, no doubt; but they are rarely to be met with.

If ever there was a young lady who looked well don't tell me of troubles, or worries, or nerves I put up my glasses, and simply say, 'Pretty young ladies are above all pity! My hammer, dear Mary; my hammer I must have. The geological one, you know; we have come on a bit of old Roman work; the bricklayer's hammers go flat, like lead. I have just one minute and a half to spare.

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