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"By-by, Perigord," he said lightly, waving his hand, as, preceding the astonished landlord, he slowly withdrew. "But, your highness, the bill," said the astounded Perigord. "Ah, the bill. Charge it!" "To whom?" "The Queen!" "What, Madame?" "The same. Adieu, my good Perigord." And the graceful stranger rode away. An interval of quiet succeeded, in which the innkeeper gazed wofully at his wife.

'Ye shall tell me the tale as we go, he said, and punctuated his words by shakes. 'But, oaf that I trusted to do a man's work, ye swing beneath a tree this night an we find not the man ye failed to stay. The young Poins he panted out the story as he trotted, wofully keeping pace to Throckmorton's great strides between the hedges had stuck to Culpepper as to his shadow, in Calais town.

The example of a prince so eminent as the brother of the King of France, would, he thought, be readily followed by the other chiefs of the Crusade. In the result he was wofully disappointed, as every man deserves to be who commits positive evil that doubtful good may ensue.

"I want some beefsteak!" wailed each, in wofully injured tones. Mr. Tuxbury set his mouth hard, and pushed his plate with a jerk toward his niece. Her face was very red, but she took it she was aware there was no other course open divided the meat impartially, and gave each child a piece with a surreptitious thump. Mr.

Colman Hoyt's four unsuccessful dashes for the North Pole. It depressed me, the sight of this vast lumber-room, this collection of useless flotsam and jetsam, cast up and rejected by the sea of strenuous life. Most moving of all, a broken golf-club standing in a dusty corner, and beside it a wofully scarred and battered ball. I pointed them out to Indiman.

"Methought it was our young Paladin whom we knighted at Devlen that was to be presented, and here thou bringest this old man. A blind man, ha! What is the meaning of this?" "Majesty," said the Earl, "I have taken this chance to bring to thy merciful consideration one who hath most wofully and unjustly suffered from thine anger.

The tenement houses are harmless boxes of lucifers as long as none is ignited. The inhabitants are wofully benighted, but they possess wonderfully the quality of brotherhood, of oneness, hence arises their wonderful psychology and their æsthetics, so full and overflowing with pathos, so piercing, it carries one to that borderland where comic and tragic make marriage.

"Drink, then," said the doctor, bowing: "I rejoice that I have so well selected the subjects of my experiment." With palsied hands, they raised the glasses to their lips. The liquor, if it really possessed such virtues as Dr. Heidegger imputed to it, could not have been bestowed on four human beings who needed it more wofully.

No amount of zeal will suffice, apart from scientific insight into the conditions of the practical problem. And the education is to be got by paying for it. But governments and churches, with some honourable exceptions, are still wofully disinclined to provide their probationers with the necessary special training; though it is ignorance that always proves most costly in the long run.

"I'm saying naething agin Bell," pursued the other, "but, man, Sam'l, a body should be mair deleeberate in a thing o' the kind." "It was michty hurried," said Sam'l wofully. "It's a serious thing to speer a lassie," said Sanders. "It's an awfu' thing," said Sam'l. "But we'll hope for the best," added Sanders, in a hopeless voice.