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Sharp at length made his appearance, he looked wishfully and inquiringly into his face, but no notice whatever was taken of him, except to give him some order, in the usual short, rough tone in which he always addressed him. "Ain't I going home to see my mother to-day, sir?" was on his tongue, but he feared to utter it. After breakfast he watched every movement of Mr.

I walked round him once or twice wishfully, measuring him in my eye, and thinking of what texture might be the Sunday best of such a man. The clothes which he then had on were certainly not exactly suited to Mr. Horne's tastes. He saw that I was observing him, and appeared uneasy and offended. I had already ascertained that he spoke a little English.

She would have thought it wicked to say more; but so far she thought she might go, considering the sacred tie which was to exist between her pupil and the gentleman in question. "Oh, yes, indeed I do;" and then Mary's eyes fell wishfully on the cover of the book which lay in her lap while her finger kept the place. Rasselas is not very exciting, but it was more so than Mrs. Thomas.

He is also attended with fears and doubts that arise from other reasons and considerations than do the doubts and fears of the newly-awakened man; doubts builded upon the vileness of his backsliding. He has also more dreadful scriptures to consider of, and they will look more wishfully in his face, yea, and will also make him take notice of their grim physiognomy, than has the newly-awakened man.

We'll wait in town until we hear; perhaps Don Andres will let you come up with Diego that is, if Diego wants to come. You ask him, Valencia." "He will come, Señor; nothing would give him greater joy. And," he added wishfully, "but for my sweetheart, Señors, I would ask that I might come with you also!" "You stick to your sweetheart, Valencia if she's true," Jack advised him somberly.

Ramon was late in coming and for one breath she caught herself hoping that he would not come at all. But immediately she remembered the love words he had taught her, and smiled her inscrutable little smile that had now a tinge of sadness. Perhaps, she thought wishfully, Ramon had come on the train from Albuquerque.

Let me put beneath it another description of a death-bed: The blood and spirits of Le Fevre, which were waxing cold and slow, and were retreating to their last citadel, the heart rallied back, the film forsook his eyes for a moment, he looked up wishfully into my Uncle Toby's face, then cast a look upon his boy, and that ligament, fine as it was, was never broken.

On the fifth day after their arrival, two strange ships were seen standing into the bay, which proved to be the La Boussole and L'Astrolabe under the command of Monsieur De la Peyrouse, and which have been long wishfully looked for by all the good and wise of Europe. February 1788 to April 1788 Lieutenant King visits Monsieur De la Peyrouse at Botany-Bay. Polite reception there.

So that, when his relations with the Horseshoe Bar became strained, Rowdy remembered his friend of the Cross L and the promises, and had drifted south. Just now he hoped that Wooden Shoes would be home to greet him, and his eyes searched wishfully the huddle of low-eaved cabins and the assortment of sheds and corrals for the bulky form of the foreman.

As we passed the barracks at Bernea, I looked at them wishfully, as soldiers have always every thing in the best order: but there was only a serjeant and a few men there. We came on to the inn at Glenelg. There was no provender for our horses: so they were sent to grass, with a man to watch them.