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"Now, ef it hed been that thar wide-mouthed Barney, stid o' me, he'd hev blabbed fust thing, an' they'd all hev thunk ez he war the boy what them scoundrels put through the winder ter steal the folkses' truck. They'd hev jailed him, I reckon." He had begun to forget his own part in the wrong-doing, that his silence was helping to screen "them scoundrels" from the law.

Georgian Bay, 170 miles long and 70 broad, forms the northeast portion, and lies within British jurisdiction. Saginaw, a deep and wide-mouthed bay, is the principal indentation on the western coast. The rim of this lake is composed mostly of detrital rocks, which are rarely exposed. In the northern portion of the lake, the trap-rocks on the Canada side intersect the coast.

The scandalized novice watched a neatly cut coat disappear behind a group of ladies. "The Three Fates!" went on Tadeo, watching the arrival of three withered, bony, hollow-eyed, wide-mouthed, and shabbily dressed women. "They're called " "Atropos?" ventured the novice, who wished to show that he also knew somebody, at least in mythology.

In the skeleton gripe of the right hand, interlaced within the clenched bones, gleamed the wide-mouthed vial which was the object of our mutual visit. Graham fell upon his knees, and attempted to withdraw the prize from the grasp of its dead possessor.

I say dried quickly, because unless the sun is very hot much of the aroma will pass into the air; it is, therefore, better to dry them in a cool oven. When they are dry enough to crumble to dust, free the herbs from stems and twigs, and put them separately into tin boxes or wide-mouthed bottles, each labelled.

We note the fact that in a few of the designs there is a slight suggestion of Mexican forms. In illustrating this group, I am compelled, for the want of space to omit many interesting examples. I present only such as seem to me especially instructive. It is most readily described as a short-necked, wide-mouthed bottle. It is symmetrical in shape and very nicely finished.

There was one big book-case handy near the fireplace, and over the desk at which Mr. Hobson sat. On the shelves of this were ranged a couple of dozen volumes, each bearing a label on which were various letters and numerals. On the desk itself were the usual writing appliances, a large pair of scissors, and a wide-mouthed bottle of gum. Let us look in at Mr.

The man, who had kind slow brown eyes and a very placid face, looked at him without speaking, and shook his head at the outstretched hand. But the boy answered with a wide-mouthed grin: "He's hard o' hearin', my pardner is. He don't know what yer say." He then rose, and going close to the man shouted shrilly in his ear: "Little chap wants summat t'eat." The man nodded.

As soon as they had departed, a gigantic, wide-mouthed devil, by command of the king, uttered a shout louder than a hundred discharges of artillery, as loud if possible as the last trumpet, for the purpose of summoning the infernal parliament.

The little darkies had been enlisted to bring their contributions of palm branches, pine cones, ferns, and bright hued bird wings and a row of those small recruits stood on the porch, gaping in wide-mouthed admiration at a sight that stirred within their breasts such remnant of savage instinct as past generations had left there in dormant survival.