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When the State Departments of the United States and Canada met the State Department of the Mikado, practically what was said was this. Only in very diplomatic language: Whiteman: "We don't object to your students and merchants and travelers, but what we do object to is the coolies.

Class distinction prevails even among the race. "Polly," in her own estimation, was highly civilised, and posed haughtily before her uncultured cousins. Looking across to the mainland beach one day, she said "Whiteman walk about over there, longa beach." Then, gazing more fixedly, and with all possible disdain in her tones "No; only nigger!"

Welch knew what he was talking about when he said he saw Whiteman to-day. I heard horses that was the noise. I am going down to Welch's, right away." They left and I was glad. I did not care whither they went, so they went. I was willing they should visit Welch, and the sooner the better.

They could not find that any European had ever visited this place; but some of the Skraelings told them of a place farther south, which they called "the Land of the Whiteman," or "Great Ireland." They said that in that place there were white men who clothed themselves in long white garments, carried before them poles to which white cloths were hung, and called with a loud voice.

I saw a piece of cement as large as my fist which was said to have been given to Whiteman by the young German, and it was of a seductive nature. Lumps of virgin gold were as thick in it as raisins in a slice of fruit cake. The privilege of working such a mine one week would be sufficient for a man of reasonable desires. A new partner of ours, a Mr.

When Roland Leslie reached his destination some miles up the Ohio, his fears and suspicions were confirmed. There had been a massacre, a week previous, of a number of settlers, and the Indians were scouring the country for more victims. This information was given by Kent Whiteman, the person for whom he was searching.

"Ah, you don't know my Rosie," said Mrs. Leadbatter, shaking her head with sceptical pride. "You mustn't judge by other gels the way that gel picks up things is well, I'll just tell you what 'er school-teacher, Miss Whiteman said. She says " "My good lady," interrupted Lancelot, "I practised six hours a day myself." "Yes, but it don't come so natural to a man," said Mrs. Leadbatter, unshaken.

Whether or not my accident had produced this result we never knew, but at least one thing was certain the secret was out and Whiteman would not enter upon a search for the cement mine this time. We were filled with chagrin. We held a council and decided to make the best of our misfortune and enjoy a week's holiday on the borders of the curious Lake.

What are you standing around here for get out of the way, you men!" They scattered, and Constance glanced about her. "Where's some grease some lard? Quick!" she called out to Whiteman, who was looking on. "In here, lady dis vay," he answered eagerly; but she outfooted him to the rear of the store, carrying Arabella in her arms. Spying a lard tin, she thrust off the cover, and plunged in a hand.

Shortly after this I began to grow crazy, along with the rest of the population, about the mysterious and wonderful "cement mine," and to make preparations to take advantage of any opportunity that might offer to go and help hunt for it. It was somewhere in the neighborhood of Mono Lake that the marvellous Whiteman cement mine was supposed to lie. Every now and then it would be reported that Mr.