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"They serve it fresh, every morning, right here in Our Square," Mayme pointed out. "Good idea. Get up early and fill your lungs full of it for an hour every day." He gave some further instructions. Mayme produced a dollar, and delicately placed it on the mantel. "Take it away," said the Little Red Doctor. "Didn't I tell you " "Go-wan!" said Mayme. "Whadda you think you are; Bellevue Hospital?

Captain wants you brought before him right after chow, and that's coming along soon as you can get into your pants. You better be steppin'." "Aw, what's he want to see me for?" Johnny growled. It would be much pleasanter to go back to his dream of Mary V. "Why, to shoot you, stupid. Whadda yuh think?"

"We was about satisfied that a plain 'killin' by a person unknown, was as good as any, but I expect now we'll change it to murder with the recommendation that McFluke be arrested on suspicion. Whadda you say, boys?" "Shore," chorussed the "boys," and hiccuped like so many bullfrogs.

In an intense and pleasurable abstraction he finished the cookies and the milk. Then he yelled: "Hey! Merry Merry Etty!" "Whadda ye want?" sang the girl from the window, her face still rosy with confusion. "Come out here and git these things." The girl shook her head, with a laugh. "Come out an' git 'm, 'r by jingo I'll throw 'em at ye! Come on, now!"

I guess yuh wouldn't hate a mouthful of desert air after swallowing smoke and insults, like yuh done in L. A. Tell her you're takin' a ride to Barstow. You can catch a train out of there and be home to breakfast, easy. If you ain't got the change in your clothes for carfare," he added generously, "Why, I'll stake yuh just for your company on the trip. Whadda yuh say?"

She was altogether adorable, like a wee wren after a stormy day. The stilted phrases were slipping away. She spoke more alertly. Bits of Dulcie's lingo were creeping into her speech. But she still answered with a literalness that took one's breath away. "Now whadda ye know about that?" asked the Justice all unconscious that he was colloquial.

Then when the full import of Doc Coffin's words had percolated through and through his brain he pulled himself to a sitting posture and swung a leg to the floor. Doc Coffin was beside him instantly. "Lie down, you idjit!" commanded Doc Coffin, and with no gentle hand shoved Bull down upon his pillow. "Whadda you think yo're gonna do?" "I'm goin' out and fill that full of lead." "Oh, you are, huh?

Saltoun who prided himself on his perspicacity. "Whadda you know?" "I ain't telling it," answered Racey, coolly. "I ain't coming back to the ranch to-day, neither." "Oh, you ain't. Listen to the new owner, Tom." "That's all right," said Racey. "If I'm going to do the world any good I've got to have a free hand." "You can have two of 'em," conceded Mr. Saltoun. "The bridle's off."

He whistled as he swung along on his way to the garage. And when he stepped into the door of the garage office he mopped his streaming face and shouted to the night man who was just leaving, "'D you get those gaskets put into the old boat, Harry?" "Whadda you think this is?" growled the man, "a mad-house?

Mary Louise felt her taut nerves slowly relaxing. "What does he do?" she responded wearily. "Contractor. Biggest in town." And then when they reached the street and were climbing into the car, "Whadda you say to meeting me at five o'clock to-morrow afternoon? Look at that Marlowe car you say you like." He was looking into her eyes with an odd sort of questioning directness.