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Maud acted irregularly as a teacher of music; Dora had an engagement as visiting governess in a Wattleborough family.

When the servant came to clear the table he strolled slowly away, humming a tune. The house was pleasantly situated by the roadside in a little village named Finden. Opposite stood the church, a plain, low, square-towered building. As it was cattle-market to-day in the town of Wattleborough, droves of beasts and sheep occasionally went by, or the rattle of a grazier's cart sounded for a moment.

Ducker, and were astonished; others, who caught a glimpse of Miss Rodney's meaning, thought she must be 'fanciful. Her final choice of an abode gave general surprise, for though the street was one of those which Wattleborough opinion classed as 'respectable, the house itself, as Miss Rodney might have learnt from the incumbent of St.

The acquaintance between Mrs Milvain and her was only of twelve months' standing; prior to that, Mr Yule had inhabited a house at the end of Wattleborough remote from Finden. 'Our London visitors came yesterday, she began by saying. Mrs Milvain mentioned her son's encounter an hour or two ago. 'No doubt it was they, said the visitor. 'Mrs Yule hasn't come; I hardly expected she would, you know.

'Of course we have had a great deal to do and think about. Miss Harrow has been very kind indeed to the girls; so have several of our old friends in Wattleborough. It was necessary to decide at once what Maud and Dora are going to do, and it is on their account that I have come to see you. The listener kept silence, with a face of sympathetic attention.

'Ought I to write to Marian? asked Dora. 'No; I wouldn't, was Jasper's reply. 'Better wait till she lets you hear. That's sure to be soon. She may have gone to Wattleborough this afternoon, or be going to-morrow morning. The letter from Mrs Haynes was passed from hand to hand. 'Everybody feels sure, it said, 'that a great deal of his money will be left for public purposes.

On an autumn expedition in the Hebrides he slept one night under the open sky, with the result that he had an all but fatal attack of rheumatic fever. After that, though the direction of his interests was unchanged, he could no longer set the example to Wattleborough youth of muscular manliness.

Not really the first time; I mean when I went to live there, seven years ago. What spirits I was in! A boy of eighteen going to live independently in London; think of it! 'You went straight from school? 'I was for two years at Redmayne College after leaving Wattleborough Grammar School. Then my father died, and I spent nearly half a year at home.

John, Alfred, and Edmund Yule were the sons of a Wattleborough stationer. Each was well educated, up to the age of seventeen, at the town's grammar school.

A few days later arrived the news of their relative's death at Wattleborough. This threw Mrs Yule into a commotion. At first she decided to accompany her son and be present at the funeral; after changing her mind twenty times, she determined not to go. John must send or bring back the news as soon as possible.