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Yet I remember that Grandma Bartlett, who had been deterred by the infirmity of age from joining the procession, and had remained at the window, alone, regaled the Wallencampers, on their return, with a choice fancy, in which the Turkey Mogul and I had stood "talkin' and chatterin' on the school-house steps, for an hour or more."

He exchanged a pleasant greeting with every one, and brought the largest young tree of all up the hill on his broad shoulders. When, at length, the Wallencampers had permitted the fire to burn low, they joined hands in a ring around the embers, and sang the saddest and sweetest songs in the Hymnal.

"It's be'n a mild winter on the Cape;" the Wallencampers congratulated one another, blinking, with a delicious sense of warmth and comfort, in the rays of a strong March sun. The Wallencampers were not, perhaps, generally incited by that love of stern, unceasing, and vigorous exertion which is, geographically considered, one of the chief characteristics of our hardy northern races.

He believed that it was his duty to come over and preach to the Wallencampers also, in their school-house, and he did so. I think that the Wallencampers regarded this, on the whole, as a doubtful though entertaining move. I do not think that they took any particular pains to harass or annoy the Rev. Mr. Rivers.

To any sentiments of the latter nature, Harvey was particularly susceptible. "Children, all of them!" Thus gently apostrophizing the Wallencampers, I dismissed the cause of my brief mental discomfiture, with a half-pitying smile. The day after Mr. 'Lihu's death, I looked down from my desk in school to see the infant Sophronia weeping bitterly. "What is the matter, Sophronia?" I said.

Grandma Bartlett, though not actively disposed to work mischief, nor possessed, indeed, of any animate quality, still cherished a few of the dry formulas of scandal, which she applied to any seemingly favorable combination of circumstances. The Wallencampers, at any time, paid but little attention to her words.

My acquaintance with the unconfined insane had not been extensive enough to allow me to regard her motions with that mingled amusement and curiosity, which was the only sentiment expressed on the countenances of the Wallencampers who stood watching us; but I concluded that it was better to face about, and meet my pursuer with an air of fearlessness.

This brought down upon him the derision of the Wallencampers, whose conjugal relations were seldom more delicately implied than by a reference "my woman thar'!" or "my man over thar'!" with an accompanying jerk of the thumb. Lydia, Godfrey Cradlebow's wife, was tall and slight, with dark hair and eyes a perfect face, though worn and sad.

"Yes," I said, much impressed by George Olver's manner. He was held somewhat in awe among the Wallencampers, and regarded generally as a "close-mouthed" fellow. "I hear," he resumed; "that Dave Rollin has been down this way ag'in. They say it was lucky for him I wasn't to home that day; maybe so. Ef he'd a turned up suddenly in my path I can't say I might 'a' trod on him.

It was kindled on Eagle Hill, that runs out from the mainland of Wallencamp into Herrin' River, the Wallencampers called the Hill an island, and from most points of view it answered to the geographical description of "Land entirely surrounded by water," seeming, indeed, to stand solitary in the river, with an air of infinite repose on its broad, sloping sides; green and gold, so I remember it ever, with the sun setting over it in the spring-time, green and gold, in a crimson river!