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As for Dumont, Coppet, and the others they clasped their hands, opened their eyes and mouths, and simply drank it in. There was no applause when the air ceased, but a deep sigh from every one seemed to be the indication of a return to ordinary consciousness. Waboose and her mother did not sigh, however. They sat still and gazed in silent wonder.

"Well, my friend," said I, grasping the Indian's strong hand, "I need not tell you that your decision gives me joy, and I shall be only too glad to travel with you in the capacity of a son; for, you know, if you are to be a father to Waboose, and I am to be her brother, that makes you my father don't you see?" The grave Indian smiled faintly at this touch of pleasantry, and then rose.

"No," he replied, "his thoughts are not deep, but they are confused, for he has heard his pale-face brother call Waboose, Eve. How did he come to know that name? It was only used by Weeum, and seldom by him never by any one else."

My mother loves me much, but she is not like my father. Perhaps it is the nature of the pale-faces to love more deeply than the red-men." Waboose uttered this last sentence as if she were questioning the sky on the point.

In short the cottage on the hill has a decidedly comfortable come-up-quick-and-enjoy-yourself air which is quite charming. On a certain fine afternoon in autumn Eve Liston, alias Waboose, Big Otter and I, rode slowly up the winding path which led to this cottage.

It consisted of Macnab, who, with his wonted energy of nature, was leader and beater of the track; the sprightly Jessie in a cariole drawn by four dogs; Waboose's mother in a similar cariole, and the fair Waboose herself, on snow-shoes, for she preferred the mode of travelling to which she had been most accustomed. Two Indians dragging provision-sleds brought up the rear.

Before any of us could recover the use of our limbs, Big Otter had glided rapidly towards the girl. Grasping her by the hand, he led her towards Lumley, and introduced her as his sister's daughter, Waboose. The red-man was evidently proud as well as fond of his fair niece, and equally clear did it become in a short time that the girl was as fond and proud of him.

I looked at him quickly, but he was gazing abstractedly at the fire. I felt that I was no match for my friend at badinage, and gave it up! "But what do you think he could do!" I asked with some anxiety, after a few minutes' thought. "You know that Waboose would as soon think of marrying that bloodthirsty savage as she would think of marrying a a " "A pine-tree or a grizzly bear.

That morning we had all played football on the ice together, had slidden and tumbled down the snow-slope together, and now we were about to mess together in the hall. Still further, our company was to be increased, and our festive board to be graced, by the presence of Waboose and her mother.

It might be tedious to recount in detail the scenes that followed. The dear old man was charmed with Miss Waboose as I had fully expected and Miss Waboose was more than charmed with the dear old man! So that when we bade the ladies good-night, he kissed her fair forehead with quite fatherly tenderness.