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Hurrying to their tents he found that these also had fled. This was enough. "Masqua," he said to the first Indian he chanced to meet at the moment of quitting the last wigwam, "Attick has carried off Waboose. Assemble some of the young men. Choose only the strong, and those whose horses are swift.

"He will not object," said Waboose, quietly. "He loved my father, and always obeyed him." "Very good. So much the better. Now, as to the valuable jewels the ornaments, I mean." "Have you got them here!" asked Eve. "Yes.

It was impossible to help laughing at my poor father's comical expression of chagrin, as he sat on the edge of his bed, slapped his hands down on both knees and looked up in my face. "Excuse me, daddy, but what ground have you for supposing that Miss Waboose would accept me, even if I were free to ask her hand?" "Ground? Why the ground that she is fond of you.

The presence of Waboose in the camp effectually drew Attick after them, and thus removed danger from the inhabitants of Fort Wichikagan, but they were wrong when they thought their camp a place of safety for the poor girl. "Did Muxbee not care when Big Otter carried Waboose away?" asked the old man. "He did not know she was going, and I did not tell her she was not to return.

"Very well, good-bye, Jessie," said I, with a laugh, though my heart was heavy enough. "Good-bye, Waboose farewell all." With a wave of his hand Macnab tramped on ahead, the sleigh-bells rang out merrily and the rest of the party followed. After they had gone a few yards Waboose turned and waved her hand again.

I can only say that on arriving at a village belonging to a remote tribe of Indians, who were well-known to my guide, it was arranged that Big Otter and Waboose should stay with them, while I should go to the cities of the pale-faces and endeavour to convert my diamonds into cash.

It resembled consumption in some respects, though without the cough, but she improved in health decidedly at first on getting into her new house, and set to work with zeal to assist in the making of moccasins and other garments. Of course Waboose helped her; and, very soon after this arrival, I began to give her lessons in the English language.

Come here, Max, I want to speak with you." "Now, Max," he said, when we had gone aside some distance, "see that you arrange the goods so that they may be easily guarded, and don't let the redskins come too near. They may be honest enough, but we won't throw temptation in their way. We shall want one of them, by the bye, to keep house for us. What say you to hiring Waboose?"

Remembering my last conversation with Waboose, and being very curious to know what were the contents of the mysterious packet she had mentioned, I had gone to the camp to visit her, but, to my extreme regret, found that Big Otter and several of the Indians had struck their tents and gone off on a long hunting expedition, taking their families with them Waboose among the rest.

The terrible feeling that death was so near almost unnerved me, but the thought of Waboose caused me to utter a roar of mingled rage and despair as I doubled my fist and launched it full against the monster's nose! At that moment a loud report at my ear deafened and almost stunned me. Next instant the bear lay dead at my feet.