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Dextry continued: "They tell me that when he was arrested he swore in eighteen different languages, each one more refreshin'ly repulsive an' vig'rous than the precedin'. Oh, I have sure missed a-plenty to-day, partic'lar because my own diction is gettin' run down an' skim-milky of late, showin' sad lack of new idees.

"Toothpick stoops down for the Red Dog man's gun, an' what do you- all think? He don't have no weapon, none whatever; nothin' more vig'rous than a peaceful flask of whiskey, which the same is still all safe in his r'ar pocket. "'He warn't heeled! says Toothpick, straightenin' up an' lookin' at us apol'getic an' disgusted.

A sick man's wildest dreams less wild are found Than the day-visions of a mind unsound. Disordered phantasies indulged too much. Like harpies, always taint whate'er they touch. Fly soothing Solitude! fly vain Desire! Fly such soft verse as fans the dang'rous fire! Seek action; 'tis the scene which virtue loves; The vig'rous sun not only shines, but moves.

Here pitying Heav'n that virtue mutual found, And blasted both, that it might neither wound. Hearts so sincere th' Almighty saw well pleas'd, Sent his own lightning and the victims seiz'd. I Think not by vig'rous judgment seiz'd, A pair so faithful could expire; Victims so pure Heav'n saw well pleas'd, And snatch'd them in celestial fire.

But the money was all black an' tarnished like, by thet time, an' didn't look at all like silver. Sam he wouldn't take it at the store, so my ol' woman she 'lowed she'd polish it up a bit. Ye know how sort o' vig'rous she is, Joe.

He groaned and commenced to develop lumbago symptoms, but she cured 'em in a hurry by remarking that her doctor's book said vig'rous exercise was the best physic, for that kind of disease, and so he must chop hard. She waited till she heard the ax "chunk" once or twice, and then she went into the house, figgering that she'd gained the first lap, anyhow.

With this arrangement settled, they finally separated for the night. "Ye vig'rous swains! while youth ferment your blood, And purer spirits swell the sprightly flood, Now range the hills."

Mike's infatuation served one purpose, though; he spent so much time with the squab that it give me an opportunity to work out my scheme. That guitar lesson showed me that vig'rous measures was necessary, so I dug up a file, a shoemaker's needle and some waxed thread, all of which we had in our kit.

He vig'rous rose, and from th' effluvia strong Imbib'd new life, and scour'd and stunk along. "Here is a satire, which I wrote in an alehouse when I was drunk I can prove it by the evidence of the landlord and his wife; I fancy you'll own I have some right to say with my friend Horace,

And her love for you'll be a-growin' with every month every day an' hour, lad, an' she'll come back t' ye at last, only more beautiful, more wonderful an' more loving than ever she was " "O Jerry," said I, grasping at him with sudden hands. "You don't think ... death ... you don't think she may die?" "Die? What, Ann s' strong an' full o' vig'rous life? Lord, not she, lad, not she never think it!"