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I thought it was going to be spoilt for me because Eva was coming with us for our walk, and then I come home and find a delightful invitation waiting for me a motor drive, a dinner-party, and the theatre; and I dare say we shall go and have ices at some nice restaurant afterwards. Mr. Jones knows I love ices, observed Vava. 'Don't be greedy, Vava; I think you are getting spoilt.

I knew I should have to earn my own living, and of course the proper place to do that is in London. Mr. Stacey's look of consternation would have been amusing if he had not been so serious. 'You and Vava go and live in London alone! The thing is impossible! 'Why impossible? asked Stella quietly. 'Hundreds and thousands of girls do it who are not even as old as I am.

Jones did not reply to these remarks, and Vava, who liked to be agreed with, persisted, 'Don't you think it was rather a mean thing to do? 'I don't know all the facts of the case; but I hope it was a fair and square deal, and I should think it was, he replied at last; but he did not seem to want to talk about it, and after finishing the lesson he got up and went away.

Jones looked sympathetically at Vava; she had no daughters, only the one son, and she would have liked nothing better than to adopt this girl if it had been possible; but as she knew it to be impossible she did not even speak of a plan she had in her head of taking them away for Easter, which silence cost her some self-denial.

'I have no intention of touching Mr. Jones's correspondence without his knowledge; but, as I get there before him, I shall ask him not to open that particular letter, and I shall tell him why, replied Stella. 'Then he might as well read it! cried Vava.

And talking of property, Vava, it is very hard I know, but this place is no longer ours, nor can it ever be again, for we have no rich relations to leave us enough money to buy it back; nor shall we ever have enough ourselves even if the Joneses wanted to sell it, which I don't fancy they will, for they have bought it for their son and heir, as they called him to me.

It is nice for us both to know we are only a few minutes' walk from each other. Not for many a day did Stella and Vava Wharton know to whose kind interest they owed this fact, nor to whom they were indebted for many a privilege, both in the former's office and the latter's school; though it was to one and the same person.

'One might almost be in the country everything looks so fresh and clean; we must try and keep it so, and help nursie as much as we can, for she is not used to much housework, she replied. 'I don't mind how much I do to save her as long as we can have her with us. I think I had better get up and light the fire for her; I dare say she will be tired this morning, observed Vava, sitting up in bed.

Ryan does not approve of the bus; besides, they do not seem to be running. So she suggests your going in my car, which will come back for you after it has taken me home. Will you tell your sister it's the only thing to do? asked Mr. James. It did not strike Vava that the junior partner might have given his own message to his secretary, and agreed to deliver it; and, as Mrs.

Nursie must make haste and finish my black embroidered silk, and I must finish reading the play. Mr. Jones says it's splendidly staged! she exclaimed. 'When did you see Mr. Jones? inquired Stella. 'In the office yesterday, when I came to fetch you. He told me where to go botanising this afternoon, explained Vava. 'Oh, said Stella, 'that Mr.