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"I don't have nightmares and wake every one up in the middle of the night," retorted Margery, "even if I do get hungry sometimes." "My nightmare wath utheful, Buthter," returned Tommy calmly. "It helped uth to dithcover that our boat wath gone. But your appetite ithn't the leatht bit utheful, not even to yourthelf." "I'll never speak to you again, Tommy Thompson," declared Buster wrathfully.

And then, if we may, can you thpare uth a quart 'o milk every thingle night? Cauthe, if you can't, then you muthn't." Deacon was the old horse; and as Mr. Parlin was quite willing he should go to mill, Harry Gray came an hour afterwards and led him away. With regard to the other request, Mrs. Parlin had to think a few minutes.

She led the way round the house, and in spite of her assurances Wargrave felt a little nervous when they came in sight of the strange nurse and its charges. The tiny girl was seated on the ground tightly clasping one huge foreleg; while the boy was beating the other with his little fists, crying: "Mujk-ko uth! Pir! Pir! Again!

Won't Miss Elting be amused when she hears what we have to tell her?" said Harriet. "I gueth they won't want to thee uth again," suggested Tommy. "Yes, they will. They have something to tell us," returned Harriet mysteriously. "What is it?" asked Margery. "I am not going to say. At least, not until I am sure it is so. I wonder if they will get suspicious of the island and search it for us?"

Presently his tow head bobbed through the greenery again and a jug dripping full of cool water was in his hands. "Thame leadin' that brought uth here done it," he lisped, moistening O'mie's lips with the precious liquid. Bud had a quaint use of Bible reference, although he disclaimed Dr. Hemingway's estimate of him as the best scholar in the Presbyterian Sunday-school.

You're dis-in-ter-ested!" said Gourlay, but he stumbled on the big word and spoiled the sneer. That angered him, and, "It's likely," he rapped out, "that I'll allow the land round my house to be howked and trenched and made a mudhole of to oblige a wheen things like you!" "Oh oh, but think of the convenience to uth eh eh I mean to the common good," said Allardyce.

"Well, then, we've had double evidence," spoke up Ted Burgoyne; "and I gueth that ought to thettle the matter. Ith our Hen that was dragged up by the heelth. Elmer, will it pay uth to try and follow the trail?" "Hardly just now, at any rate, Ted," the other told him. "We might aim to do something of the kind in the morning. But even here it looks as if they headed for the swamp.

Noreen watched him with curiosity and marvelled at his courage in handling the dead bodies. He returned to the kneeling elephant and took his place on the neck. "Hold on now, Miss Daleham," he said. "Badshah's going to rise. Uth" Noreen gripped the surcingle rope tightly as the elephant heaved up his big body and set off along a track through the jungle at a rapid pace.

He said they could go to the farm at once. He was doing nothing at Dunton Green except a little tailoring. "It ithn't the thmart plathe I thought it wath, and what I get ithent thkarthely worth having," he said, "tho that if it ith any convenienth to you for uth to come...." And in a week Mr. and Mrs.

Came a general nodding and agreement of soft, blurry voices. "'At sho whut it say, black man!" "Sho do!" "Lawd God loves a nigger on a street corner same as He do a millionaire in a six-cylinder, Peter." "Sho do, black man; but He's jes about de onlies' thing on uth 'at do." "Well, I don' know," came a troubled rejoinder.