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After estimating that the one undersized cabbage they raised cost them £65 worth of water, he discouraged further gardening. They had also a pet emu. So did the wife of the manager of another mine near-by. They used to arrange to have the emus meet occasionally and there was always a glorious fight.

She had thin brown hair, a complexion neither fresh nor faded, expressive eyes, a small retroussé nose, a pretty mouth, and a voice that charmed all listeners. She was rather undersized, but her figure was so perfectly proportioned as to give the impression of height and suppleness.

McBirney had delivered his own news and in turn had received ours, or at least such of it as Garrick chose to tell at present. He was apparently satisfied and rose to go. "Keep after that undersized fellow, will you?" asked Garrick. "If you could find out who he is and he should happen to be connected with one of those garages we might get on the right trail at last." "I will," promised McBirney.

She remained undersized. Moreover, her play-days were sadly shortened, for they early merged into work-days. Housekeeping cares were many, as her mother planned her household.

Crowds of curious civilians are watching the efforts of raw cavalry recruits to ride stout little horses, that buck, kick, bite, and paw the air. Every time a soldier gets thrown the on-lookers chuckle with delight. Both men and horses are undersized, but look stocky and serviceable withal. The uniform of the cavalry is blue, with yellow trimmings.

The lock grated back and there stood Burke holding in a grip of steel the undersized Annenberg, while the chauffeur who had driven our car swung open the door.

Even in those days he had a bullet head and a red face and square shoulders, and was rather undersized for his age which was Honora's. Needless to say, George did not approve of the dancing class; and let it be known, both by words and deeds, that he was there under protest.

They were with their tutor, and all three had been laughing heartily at the disport of the king and his courtiers. The monarch came up and accosted them very pleasantly, proposing that they should take part in the game. The wretched Tuscans had been baked in a bad oven; they were undersized, ugly, and humpbacked. His majesty's proposal seemed to put them on thorns.

"Such a queer story, Mollie! And such an odd bride undersized, very slender, golden ringlets name, Mary! My pretty Cricket, I think I know where you passed that mysterious fortnight!" Mollie Dane sat alone in her pretty room. A bright fire burned in the grate. Old Mme. Walraven liked coal-fires, and would have them throughout the house.

"It is in my mind that there have been strange doings here, and I know well that there is a man who watches this place by day and by night. He has discovered nothing, but it is because he has not known where to look." "What do you mean?" Jeanne asked hoarsely. "Wait!" her companion said. They passed through the wooden gate. They were now in a little weedy plantation of undersized trees.