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Updated: August 18, 2024

Wheeler would have been much distressed if he had suspected anything clandestine." "Did she have a new dress?" asked Mrs. Robbins. "No," replied the minister's wife; "and that was one thing that made me suspicious. She wore her old blue one, but George Freeman wore a nice new suit." "I heard," said Mrs. Lowe, "that Flora had all her under-clothes made before old Mr.

Even her under-clothes were gone, to pay the woman where she lived for her lodging. Alas! then poor Mary said, despairingly, "It is of no use for me to try to be honest any longer," and wicked people came again and tempted her, and nobody said, "Mary, struggle on, and I will help you; I will give you work to do."

At twelve she knew lots of things which her mother had never thoroughly learned, and Susy, her temporary mother, had never even guessed at: she spoke with authority on all vital subjects, from castor-oil to flannel under-clothes, from the fair sharing of stamps or marbles to the number of helpings of rice-pudding or jam which each child was entitled to.

There was the honest cock robin, the favorite game of stripling sportsmen, with its loud querulous note; and the twittering blackbirds, flying in sable clouds; and the golden-winged woodpecker, with his crimson crest, his broad black gorget, and splendid plumage; and the cedar-bird, with its red-tipt wings and yellow-tipt tail and its little monteiro cap of feathers; and the blue jay, that noisy coxcomb, in his gay light-blue coat and white under-clothes, screaming and chattering, bobbing and nodding and bowing, and pretending to be on good terms with every songster of the grove.

Now it wuzn't neccessary for her to have eleven new dresses made a purpose to go to the World's Fair, and three white aprons all worked off round the bibs and pockets. Good land! what would she want of aprons there in that crowd? And she no need to had six new complete suits of under-clothes made, all trimmed off elaborate with tattin' and home-made edgin' before she went.

Is it really true that you have made this long journey to see us on foot?" "It is indeed true; this green coat is my usual costume when I do not wear a blouse, which is my favorite garment. My better apparel is contained within my knapsack, and thus I have given you an invoice of my wardrobe, which you see, my dear aunt, is not very extensive." "But your under-clothes, my child?"

He went first to his state-room, where he bathed, changed into new under-clothes and socks, donned a freshly laundered suit of faded dungarees old, faded, well-washed dungarees, by the way, always appearing neater and cleaner than new ones and shaved; for if Providence willed it that lie should die to-night. Mr.

Crossing the fields in summer, he would gather a great bunch of dandelion blossoms, and red and while clover, to bring and scatter on the cots, as reminders of out-door air and sunshine. When practicable, he came to the long and crowded wards of the maimed, the feeble, and the dying, only after preparations as for a festival strengthened by a good meal, rest, the bath and fresh under-clothes.

But as the winter now approached, the society found itself driven to the necessity of helping in this, too, by the fact that the present warden would furnish the men with only the same outfit as in summer, the under-clothes they might happen to have on at the time, added.

She took a good plain black silk dress, with two waists to it a thick one for cool days and a thin one for hot days and some under-clothes, and some old shoes that didn't hurt her feet, and looked decent. And there she wuz all ready. She never bought a thing, I don't believe, not one. You wouldn't ketch her waitin' to embroider night-shirts for Thomas Jefferson no, indeed! She felt jest as I did.

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