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Updated: July 31, 2024

Again and again did Fred flesh his steel, and each blow that was struck told upon the life of the monster, and at last, with a convulsive shudder, the tail was uncoiled, straightened out, and with a long-drawn sigh the snake expired. We did not delay a moment, but went to the assistance of the wounded man.

They mix a cup that glows and flashes and foams with enchantment. They call it Cognac, or Hock, or Heidsick, or Schnapps, or Old Bourbon, or Brandy, or Champagne; but they tell not that in the ruddy glow there is the blood of sacrifice, and in its flash the eye of uncoiled adders, and in the foam the mouth-froth of eternal death.

Tol' 'im he'd get hung if he have a d-drink?" The loose-jointed one would, and so would his neighbors. The Captain glanced back at them, gave a contemptuous lift to his upper lip and faced again to the front. Dade uncoiled his riata with aimless, fumbling fingers and swung the noose facetiously toward the bottle, uptilted over the eager mouth of a weazened little Irishman.

But when ready to be coiled in the artistic masses, which Gigia knew well how to arrange, variously, according to the style and nature of the effect designed to be produced, it was left uncoiled, streaming in great ripples over back and shoulders in its profuse abundance.

He poured water in it from the well and asked the old man: "Won't there be complications, Professor? This water is not distilled and " "You will make a microscopic examination of the water, John, and make a careful record, while I wash the rope and twine." While Matthews went indoors to do his mentor's bidding, the old scientist uncoiled the three sections of rope, twine and fish line.

There was a dead silence, broken by the sounds of the horses and cows munching their fodder. The foreman of the jury uncoiled slowly. "Your honor," he drawled, "I can find it in my heart to pass over the exact married status of the lady, but I cannot find it in my heart to pass over without explanation the black eye which the prisoner confesses to have given her."

Her colorless face was turned upward then and she had seen him push up the lower folds of his sweater with his left hand even while its elbow sent the chauffeur back and while his right, lightning-like, uncoiled a rope, a lariat, worn under it around his waist.

A small reddish-coloured bundle, which lay in a recess close at hand, uncoiled itself like a hedgehog, and, yawning vociferously, sat up, revealing the fact that the bundle was a boy. "Ded 'ee call, uncle?" asked the boy in a sleepy tone. "Iss did I," said the man; "fetch me the powder an' fuse, my son."

The thin bull-hides uncoiled and uncoiled as they sped over the heads of the cattle, and the loops kept wide open and fell around the necks of the chosen victims. Both horses propped immediately, and the lasso-men sat back to take the strain.

She met it with a sort of triumphant, tranquil indifference, . . an uncontrollable wicked smile curved the corners of her red lips, . . the sacred Ebony Staff had somehow slipped from her hands, and it now lay on the ground, the half- uncoiled Serpent still clinging to it, in glittering lengths that appeared to be quite motionless.

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