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'The kelpie's hide is thicker than three bull-hides, and none of your weapons would do more than mark it. 'What am I to do then, Angus, for kill him I will somehow? 'I'll tell you what to do; but it needs a brave man to do that. 'And do you think I'm not brave enough for that, Angus? 'I know one thing you are not brave enough for. 'And what's that? said Allister, and his face grew red, only he did not want to anger Nelly's father.

He hurled a dart at Bitias, and so great was the force of the blow that not even the huge sentinel's shield, formed of two bull's hides, nor his breastplates with double scales of gold, could resist it. Not two bull-hides the impetuous force withhold, Nor coat of double mail, with scales of gold.

The thin bull-hides uncoiled and uncoiled as they sped over the heads of the cattle, and the loops kept wide open and fell around the necks of the chosen victims. Both horses propped immediately, and the lasso-men sat back to take the strain.

Then it was that the lover with ten breeches, and the damsel with petticoats of half a score, indulged in all the innocent endearments of virtuous love without fear and without reproach; for what had that virtue to fear which was defended by a shield of good linsey-woolsey, equal at least to the seven bull-hides of the invincible Ajax?

After her came the Toro, followed by a ship of four guns, and by five smaller vessels manned with musketeers, "and the Vessels barricadoed round with Bull-hides Breast high." The Toro ranged up on the quarter of Dampier's ship, "designing to board" her. The pirates dragged their cannon aft, and fired at her repeatedly, "in hopes to have lamed either Mast or Yard."

'Ajax's shield consisted, I think, of seven bull-hides and a plate of brass, which altogether set Hector's utmost force at defiance. Alas! I am not a Hector, and the worthy doctor's foes are as securely armed as Ajax was.