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Have I not said that Cyprus hath need of a man to rule? Who led the people to storm the Fortress of Famagosta? Who ruled the city in quiet through those days of stress? Thou art the man! Through me, who hold the key, thou shalt rule them well." "I am a Venetian," he answered coldly; and no longer hesitating to use the needful force to unclasp the clinging, importunate hands.

It is that which gives you such an attractive force for those with whom you have a little sympathy such as myself, for instance; and you cannot, Zara, with all your electric strength, unclasp my arms from your waist, because you have not the sentiment of repulsion towards me which would enable you to do it. Shall I go on guessing?"

"No doubt you have the better reason on your side, Edith," replied her husband, his manner very much subdued. "But it is difficult for me to unclasp my hand to let fall therefrom the natural good which I can see and estimate, for the seemingly unreal and unsubstantial good that, to your purer vision, looms up so imposingly." "Unreal unsubstantial Edward!" said Edith, in reply to this.

Too weak to wonder at anything, she only smiled and nestled close in the loving arms about her, feeling that the hungry longing was satisfied at last. Then she slept again, and the girls waited upon their mother, for she would not unclasp the thin hand which clung to hers even in sleep.

"'Unclasp his little arms, says Diamond. 'He thinks I'm his lady-bird. "Just then a whistle sounded rithe away acrost the Weald. Another nearer took it up, and another like partridges callin on a summer's evening. "'Here he comes, says Diamond, glass to his eye. 'Reube, says he, 'there's things good kids such as you are best not seein.

Johanna looked down at the little figure with the plump, white arms, and discontented expression; and she tried to find in the childish face something she had previously not seen there. "Are you tired of studying, Ephie?" she asked. "Would you like to leave off and go away?" "Go away from Leipzig? Where to?" Ephie did not unclasp her hands, but her eyes grew vigilant.

At that moment the door of her room opened, and Alice came laughing in, her glowing face all bright and careless. "Oh! Aunt Mary," she exclaimed, "do help me! I cannot unclasp my necklace, and my patience has all oozed out at the tips of my fingers. There! you have unfastened it already. Well! I believe I never will be good for anything!" And Alice laughed as heartily, as if the idea was charming.

It was not right, for, as you see, I am not worthy of them." She began to unclasp the bracelet on her arm, but hastily putting forth his hand, he checked her. "No, my child!" he said, rising from the chair. "You must keep them they are yours. Besides, they are so becoming to you! Again I say you are the only woman in this world worthy to wear them."

No human muscles could resist the force applied. Slowly but surely the iron sinews of Henry's arms straightened out, and the two were soon at arm's length. But even Gascoyne's strength could not unclasp the grip of the youth's hands, until he placed his knee upon his chest; then, indeed, they were torn away.

She began to unclasp her girdle, as she spoke, and something dropped upon the floor. Philothea was stooping to unlace her sandal, and she immediately picked it up. It was a beautiful cameo of Alcibiades, with the quiver and bow of Eros. Eudora took it with a deep blush, saying, "Aspasia gave it to me." Her friend looked very earnestly in her face for a moment, and sighed as she turned away.