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"Now don't, cap'n," urged the pleasant little woman. "I've made other arrangements. At any rate," she added, with her voice growing more business-like than ever, "at any rate, I deem it best to wait until the late potatoes come into market; they seem to keep better." The typhoon had gone past, but the captain waited a moment, still apprehensive.

A couple of years afterwards I had the happiness to dine with him on board another ship in Portsmouth, no longer in the midshipman's berth, but in the wardroom. Twice during this war, the 'Blonde' was caught in a typhoon. The first time was in waters now famous, but then unknown, the Gulf of Liau-tung, in full sight of China's great wall.

"But you must remember we do not always enjoy the fine weather we have hitherto had. You must take the rough with the smooth; we may chance to meet with a typhoon in the eastern seas, or heavy gales off the Cape, and things won't be as pleasant as they are now." "I am aware of that, sir," said Owen. "When I came to sea I was fully prepared to meet with bad as well as fair weather.

It is said that persons who have never witnessed the sublime and terrible spectacle can scarcely realize, even from the most graphic descriptions of eye witnesses, what a typhoon really means. A Chinaman informed me that the last typhoon destroyed not less than 18,000 persons in this neighbourhood alone not a large number when we bear in mind the enormous floating populations in Chinese towns.

But when they beheld Hoonamunta, how he tore off roofs, and pelted them with tiles, how he climbed to the tops of pagodas, and jangled the sacred bells, how he laid his shoulder to the city walls and overthrew them, so that the noise of their fall was as the roar of the breakers on the far-off coast of Lunka when the Typhoon blows, then they cried, "A demon! a fiend from the halls of Yama!" and they gave chase with a mighty uproar, the gooroos, and the yogees, and the jugglers going first.

They had to deal with a mutinous crew one day and with a typhoon the next. If by skillful seamanship a piratical schooner was avoided in the reaches of the Spanish Main, the resources of diplomacy would be taxed the next day to persuade some English or French colonial governor not to seize the cargo that had escaped the pirates.

"I could have struck him across the mouth for his callousness. "Lee Fu's voice fell like oil on a breaking sea. 'All signs point to another severe typhoon. It happened, Captain, that we were discussing the loss of the "Speedwell" when you came in. "'Too bad too bad, said Wilbur slowly, with a shake of the head. 'You were away, Nichols, weren't you?

A little before seven they left the cottage together for the chapel, Hogarth taking his hunting-crop from habit; he had also a little Bible; in his jacket, tight at the slight waist, unbuttoned at the breast, lay the anonymous letter, and a little poetry-book, neither moon nor star lighting the night, bleak winds swooping like the typhoon among the year's dead leaves.

Call up the hands to try and get some more sail on her; for I'm going to make the best of this typhoon now, as it has made the best it could of me one good turn deserves another."

In an instant Nathaniel had recovered himself. He advanced a step, bowing coolly. "I am Captain Plum, of the sloop Typhoon," he said. "I called at your home a short time ago and was directed to your office. As a stranger on the island I did not know that you had an office or I would have come here first." "Ah!"