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Sometime afterwards appeared an anonymous sheet, which instead of ink seemed to be written with water of Phelethon. In this letter I was accused of having exposed my children in the streets, of taking about with me a soldier's trull, of being worn out with debaucheries,....., and other fine things of a like nature. It was not difficult for me to discover the author.

Wherefore, albeit I am no eagle, knowing thee to be no dove, but a venomous serpent, I mean to pursue thee, as an immemorial enemy, with every hate and all my might, albeit this that I do to thee can scarce properly be styled vengeance, but rather chastisement, inasmuch as vengeance should overpass the offence and this will not attain thereto; for that, an I sought to avenge myself, considering to what a pass thou broughtest my soul, thy life, should I take it from thee, would not suffice me, no, nor the lives of an hundred others such as thou, since, slaying thee, I should but slay a vile, wicked and worthless trull of a woman.

Wert thou to be squeezed dry, there would not come as much juice from thee as might suffice for a sauce. Cock's faith, thou canst not say it was Tessa that was presently in act to get thee with child, God make her sorry, who ever she is, for a scurvy trull as she must be to have a mind to so fine a jewel as thou!

"Don't talk to me, you little trull, or you'll drive me to tear your eyes out. Take that." With the back of her disengaged hand she struck the girl's cheek. The mob roared approval at the prospect of a fight, and though the combatants were unfairly matched some of the ruffians urged the girl to retaliate. "Go for her hair, little un," one shouted. "There's plenty of it.

And all left to that trull! May misery eat you up... may the worms devour you in the ditch for the wrong you have done me, and for leaving me no better off than an orphan! She sprang towards the bed in a towering rage and shouted: 'Get up!

And as I went, my heart seemed as it must burst, and my lips could frame but one word which I kept hurling out of me like an imprecation, and that word was "Trull!" Two nights ago had happened enough to stamp her soul for ever with sorrow and despair. Yet she could sit there, laughing and feasting and trulling it lightly with the Legate!

She lifted her head a little and looked at me with clear, proud eyes: "Well, let them say what they may in fort and barracks twixt this frontier and Philadelphia. The truth remains that I have been no man's mistress and am no trull. Euan, I have starved that I might remain exactly what I am at this moment.

"'Twas I," quoth Eumolpus, "commanded it, not wishing ill to the ship, but ease to my self; for they are my slaves, and having long staring hairs, I order'd the uncomely sight to be taken away; not only that I might not seem to make a prison of the ship; but that the mark of their villany might more plainly appear; and to let you know how richly they deserve the punishment; among other rogueries, they rob'd me of a considerable sum of money, and spent it with all the luxury of rich debauches, on a trull that was at both their services, whom I catcht them with last night.

His authorship is betrayed by the introduction of familiar Somersetshire names, Taunton, Wellington, Curry Rivel, Creech, Trull, Wilton: "There was a young lady of Wilton, Who read all the poems of Milton: And, when she had done, She said, 'What bad fun! This prosaic young lady of Wilton." There were many more, but this will perhaps suffice; ex ungue leonem.

As it is " he shrugged "why, twenty-four hours of her have been enough for me as they would have been for any man a mercenary, self-seeking little baggage with the soul of a trull. Bah!" He shuddered in disgust of himself and her. "Ah! That makes it easier for you," said M. de Sautron, cynically. "Don't say it, Charles. It is not so. Had you been less of a fool, you would have warned me sooner."