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He was awake to the marvelous development of the ready-to-wear business. He carried the best and took a positive delight in each season's new models. He recalled the old days of "hand-me-downs," and he had lived to see the two best tailors in Medeena take to bushelling "ready" garments, with less and less of that to be done principally changing a button or shortening a trouser's length.

A negro teamster who had been dancing upon a cracker box with the hilarious encouragement of twoscore soldiers was deserted. He sat mournfully down. Smoke drifted lazily from a multitude of quaint chimneys. "It's a lie! that's all it is a thunderin' lie!" said another private loudly. His smooth face was flushed, and his hands were thrust sulkily into his trouser's pockets.

I'd rather not have a light just yet but in my bag you'll find a writing-case. It is locked, but the keys are in my trouser's pocket. In my writing-case you will find a sealed envelope, and in that a fuller confession than I shall have breath to make to you. Take it downstairs and glance at it then come back." "No, no," said Langholm, hoarsely; "no, I believe you! Yes it was my first idea!"

I undid his collar, poured the cold water over his face, and raised and sank his arms until he drew a long, natural breath. "It's only a question of time now," said I, as I turned away from him. Holmes stood by the table, with his hands deep in his trouser's pockets and his chin upon his breast. "I suppose we ought to call the police in now," said he.

By ordinary individuals these purses are fastened inside or outside the coat, but among the military it is strictly forbidden to show purses over the coat; wherefore the regulation method is to carry these underneath, tied to the trouser's band.

Digging down into a trouser's pocket this enthusiastic old High School "rooter" brought up a roll of bills almost as large around as a loaf of bread. "What are you going to do with all that wallpaper, Mr.Schimmelpodt?" laughed Officer Hemingway. "Me? I gif bail, don't I?" demanded the German. "Well, you can't do it here. That's a matter to be fixed in court."

They contracted, indeed, a senseless habit of confining themselves in a trouser's pocket to count the half-dollar, the quarter, and the two dimes long after the total was too well known to its owner. Nor did this total, unimpressive at best, long retain even these poor dimensions.

He had felt cold and thought it would be warm inside Mr. Morris' trouser's leg. However, Billy never did any real mischief, thanks to Miss Laura's training. She began to punish him just as soon as he began to tear and worry things. The first thing he attacked was Mr. Morris' felt hat. The wind blew it down the hall one day, and Billy came along and began to try it with his teeth.

Imported pistols were highly prized, but the best weapons were made by a noted Philadelphia gunsmith named Derringer, who gave his name to a short pistol of his invention to be carried in the trouser's pocket for use in street fights. Some of the dueling pistols were inlaid with gold, and they all had flint-locks, as percussion caps had not been invented, nor hair triggers.

"I always wanted to live in the country and be a doctor, Granny," he sighed. "Bless my stars, Granny," laughed Uncle Squeaky, "we found Squealer without much fuss; Nimble-toes fished Wiggle out of the pond, and Limpy-toes didn't get even the patch on his trouser's knee scorched. To be sure, the barn did burn down. Lucky we were at the Lake, I'm thinking.