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The current for the motor was supplied by thirty "EPS" accumulators stowed in the body of the vehicle, and of sufficient power to give a speed of ten miles an hour. The driver steers with a hand lever as shown, and controls the speed by a switch in front of him. Vans, bath chairs, and tricycles are also driven by electric motors, but the weight of the battery is a drawback to their use.

The control which a skillful rider of the Humber has over his machine is wonderful; the elegance of the machine among tricycles is unequaled. So great a favorite is this form, especially among the better class of riders, that almost every firm have brought out their own Humber, each with a distinguishing name.

With steam and electricity we are well acquainted; by magic tricycles, I mean those driven by a motor which, without any expense, will drive one twenty miles an hour, up or down hill, with perfect safety. Highway regulations, and certain reasons not well understood, have at present prevented these contrivances from making a revolution.

When I present myself at Powerscroft House, Faed is busily wandering around among the curves and angles of no less than three tricycles, apparently endeavoring to encompass the complicated mechanism of all three in one grand comprehensive effort of the mind, and the addition of as many tricycle crates standing around makes the premises so suggestive of a flourishing tricycle agency that an old gentleman, happening to pass by at the moment, is really quite excusable in stopping and inquiring the prices, with a view to purchasing one for himself.

Again, the bicycle can be wheeled through narrow gates or door ways, and so kept in places which are inaccessible to tricycles. One peculiarity of the bicycle, and to a certain extent of the center-cycle, is that the plane of the machine always lies in the direction of the resultant force, that the machine leans over to an amount depending on the velocity and the sharpness of the curve described.

He had but just spoken when he met Mr. White. "It's ten minutes to one," said the latter. "We must go, or we shan't be on the terrace as soon as the rector. Come along, boys; it's dinner-time." There was a general turning round of tricycles, and in a few minutes the little party were making their way towards the palace. "What's the matter, Chris?" asked Walter. "I thought you liked that."

Arrived at the close of the second day in Canterbury, the two "toke" their inn at the sign of the "Falstaff," where hung "Honest Jack, in buff doublet and red hose," in a wonderful piece of wrought-iron work. Whether next day, after viewing the cathedral, the tricycles pursued their journey, is not told.

She pursued her subject with the assurance of one who has hit on a particularly acceptable topic. "It must have taken them years of training and concentration to master those tricycles," she continued in high-pitched soliloquy. "The nice thing about them is that they don't realise a bit how clever and educational they are. It would be dreadful to have them putting on airs, wouldn't it?

The methods employed for conveyance on common roads were shown by hand-barrows carts trucks drays farm wagons sprinkling carts freight wagons breaks, barges, wagonettes for pleasure parties omnibuses cabs hansoms pleasure carriages, coaches for four or six horses, Victorias, broughams, dog-carts, buggies, phaetons, etc.; besides sleighs snow shoes steam and electric carriages ambulances for the sick and injured hearses; furthermore, bicycles and tricycles rolling chairs for invalids baby carriages; in short, vehicles of every possible description.

And once more, "We are to have the balloon yet, and the next war will be fought in the air." Possibly; but it is perhaps as safe to predict that it will be fought on wheels; the soldiers on bicycles, the officers on tricycles. The other point I have marked is that we find in this Essay a prose version of the fine poem, printed in "May-Day" under the title "Days."