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'No, Miss, said Towlinson. 'And I'm sorry to give you so much trouble, Towlinson, said Miss Tox, looking at him pensively. 'Not at all, Miss, said Towlinson. 'Mention to the man, then, if you please, Towlinson, said Miss Tox, 'that the lady's uncle is a magistrate, and that if he gives her any of his impertinence he will be punished terribly.

'But his deportment, my dear Louisa! said Miss Tox. 'His presence! His dignity! No portrait that I have ever seen of anyone has been half so replete with those qualities. Something so stately, you know: so uncompromising: so very wide across the chest: so upright! A pecuniary Duke of York, my love, and nothing short of it! said Miss Tox. 'That's what I should designate him.

Mrs Chick instantly burst into tears, and told Mr Chick that if he wished to trample upon her with his boots, he had better do It. 'But with Lucretia Tox I have done, said Mrs Chick, after abandoning herself to her feelings for some minutes, to Mr Chick's great terror.

What do you think of him, Toxaris? This is something like friendship, is it not, to accept such a bequest as this, and to show such respect for a friend's last wishes? May we pass this as one of my five? Tox. Excellent as was the behaviour of Aretaeus, I admire still more Eudamidas's confidence in his friends.

'Upon my soul I will, Miss, returned the Grinder. 'I have come through a good deal, and my intentions is now as straightfor'ard, Miss, as a cove's 'I must get you to break yourself of that word, Robin, if you Please, interposed Miss Tox, politely. 'If you please, Miss, as a chap's 'Thankee, Robin, no, returned Miss Tox, 'I should prefer individual. 'As a indiwiddle's, said the Grinder.

Miss Tox returned no other reply than by taking the little Paul in her arms, and making his cockade perfectly flat and limp with her caresses. 'His mother, my dear, said Miss Tox, 'whose acquaintance I was to have made through you, does he at all resemble her? 'Not at all, returned Louisa 'She was she was pretty, I believe? faltered Miss Tox.

'And now good-night to my sweet, sweet, sweet, godson, said Miss Tox, with a soft shower of kisses at each repetition of the adjective; 'and Louisa, my dear friend, promise me to take a little something warm before you go to bed, and not to distress yourself!

Mr Toodle, who had not the faintest idea of what Miss Tox was talking about, expressed that also, in a stare. 'Of course, said Miss Tox, 'how our little coolness has arisen is of no moment, and does not require to be discussed.

If he were a common child, there would be nothing in it. I must say I think, with Miss Tox, that a short absence from this house, the air of Brighton, and the bodily and mental training of so judicious a person as Mrs Pipchin for instance 'Who is Mrs Pipchin, Louisa? asked Mr Dombey; aghast at this familiar introduction of a name he had never heard before.

Sitting on the window-seat, and looking out upon the sparrows and the blink of sun, Miss Tox thought likewise of her good Mama deceased sister to the owner of the powdered head and pigtail of her virtues and her rheumatism.