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In Ballinrobe are now stationed, under Colonel Bedingfeld, R.A., commanding the district, two squadrons of the 19th Hussars, or 123 sabres, commanded by Major Coghill. The Royal Dragoons, under the command of Captain Tomkinson, number sixty sabres, and with the Hussars will probably perform the main work of convoy to-morrow.

May I ahsk you-ah names, and may I wequest youah pwesence to-night, both to ensuah the ar fulfillment of the vehbal contwact which you have heahd, and to pwevent the wepetition of this scandalous scene?" He opened the door. "Aw wevoah, gentlemen!" By this time he was in the elevator. From this coign of vantage he sent a Parthian shaft. "Till eight o'clock, Mistah ah Tomkinson!"

The ship's head, in the meantime, was put round, as it would have been dangerous for her to approach nearer. Mr Tomkinson reported, as Mr Hanson had done, that the natives had continued making a noise the whole night and firing, but that they had carefully kept out of the way, so that he had been unable to catch hold of any of them.

Thus, young Lord Medenham made no pretense of shirking it while he stood on the steps of his father's mansion in Cavendish Square and watched his chauffeur stowing a luncheon basket beneath the front seat of the Mercury 38. "You know a bit about racing, Tomkinson," he said, smiling at the elderly butler who had brought the basket out of the house. "What's going to win?"

The difficult nature of the country rendered it impossible for them to advance further than they had done on the previous day, and Captain Rogers was again compelled to return to the boats, without having effected anything. He left another boat under Mr Tomkinson, the senior mate, with the same directions he had given to the lieutenant.

"The King's horse, my lord," replied Tomkinson, with the unctuous conviction of a prelate laying down a dogma. "Is it as sure as all that?" "Yes, my lord." "Well, I hope so. You are on a sovereign By gad, you really are, you know." Tomkinson was far too keenly alive to the monetary side of the transaction to pay heed to the quip. His portly figure curved in a superb bow.

Little Tomkinson, the second assistant, had resigned; and McCrae, who worked harder than ever before, was already marked, Hodder knew, for dismissal if he himself were defeated. And then there was the ever present question of money. It remained to be seen whether a system of voluntary offerings were practicable.

Woodforde found the two horses he went in search of within three miles of the camp they had not left the creek. The cream-coloured one had improved very much; but Reformer still looks miserable I think he must be ill. Wind, north, with a few clouds coming from the same direction. Friday, 28th June, Tomkinson Creek. Shoeing horses and preparing for another start.

The horses have had a severe trial from the long journeys they have made, and the great hardships and privations they have undergone. On my last journey they were one hundred and six hours without water. On Friday, July 12th, Mr. Stuart quitted Tomkinson Creek to return to Adelaide, and on the following Friday reached Ann Creek on the north side of the Murchison range.

Cynthia, however, was watching him, and she laughed gleefully. "Ah, Fitzroy, you hadn't heard of Vendetta before," she cried. "Confess now your faith in Tomkinson is shaken." "Vendetta certainly does sound like war to the knife," said he. "It is twenty to one," purred Mrs. Devar complacently. "I shall risk the five pounds I won on the first race, and it will be very nice if I receive a hundred."