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Crothers and Joe Byng raced for the window neck and neck, and reached it simultaneously. "You two men want you-ah dog?" asked Hassan Ah, and the chained dog leaped up at the window as both men swore at once. "You pass him in here! Come on, you black-faced cornerman!

As each tremendous breaker thundered on her stern each time she lifted to the underswell, the pilot vowed that she had struck, rolling his eyes and calling two different deities to witness that none of it was any fault of his. "Thar's no water, sah no water, Captain, sah not one drop! You've piled up you-ah ship! Ah told you so; Ah said " "By the deep four!" "And a half-four!" "By the mark five!"

The pilot braced both feet against a stanchion and tried to take the weigh off her by pulling. "Half speed, sah! Go slow, sah! Go dead slow, sah! You'll pile up you-ah damn ship, sah! Ah tell you, sah, you'll pile her up as suah as hell, sah! 'Bout a million sharks round he-ah, sah! For the love o' God, sah Captain, sah "

"He was about to give up his church, and so delivered a farewell address thus: 'My dear bretherin-ah and sisterin-ah, I am about to leave you-ah, and I feel solemncholy-ah, I can tell you-ah.

But the commander was too busy acting all three L's Log, Lead and Lookout his shrouded figure swaying to the heave and fall and his eyes fixed straight ahead of him on the double line of boiling foam. He had conned his course and had it charted in his head. There was no time to argue with a pilot. "Port you-ah hel-um, sah! Port you-ah hel-um!" "By the mark seven!" sang Joe Byng from the chains.

"Port you-ah hel-um, sah!" yelled the pilot in an ecstasy of fright. "Starboard a little," came the quiet command. Curley Crothers moved his wheel and the Puncher's bow yawed twenty feet, as if Providence had pushed her. "Gawd A'mighty!" murmured Joe Byng, gazing open-mouthed at fifty feet of jagged rock that grinned up suddenly three waves away.

May I ahsk you-ah names, and may I wequest youah pwesence to-night, both to ensuah the ar fulfillment of the vehbal contwact which you have heahd, and to pwevent the wepetition of this scandalous scene?" He opened the door. "Aw wevoah, gentlemen!" By this time he was in the elevator. From this coign of vantage he sent a Parthian shaft. "Till eight o'clock, Mistah ah Tomkinson!"