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He was well aware that the flesh of the moose was of the most savoury and delicate kind, and that the long pendulous upper lip is one of the "tit-bits" of the fur countries. Moreover, the fine hide would be an acceptable addition to their stock, as it is the best of all deer-skins for mocassins, as well as snow-shoes articles which Basil knew would soon be needed.

That meal, under his daughter's management, took a long time, and the joint when it reached him was more than half cold. It was, moreover, quite clear that the aristocracy had not even mastered the rudiments of carving, but preferred instead to box the compass for tit-bits. He ate his meal in silence, and when it was over sought out his guest to administer a few much-needed stage-directions.

The authorities did all they could to keep any report out of the papers, but, of course, did not succeed, and the "extras" had choice tit-bits of sensation for that afternoon. The mysterious threat of an impending raid was enlarged upon, too, and to calm the public, as well as impress "the other side of the river," it was decided to have a great parade of troops through the town.

These boxes were indeed the drawing-rooms in which very much of the social intercourse of the beau monde was carried on. And except on first nights or some other such occasion, or during the singing of the well-known tit-bits of any opera, there was an amount of chattering in the house which would have made the hair of a fanatico per la musica stand on end.

I used also to recite to her the scraps of poetry used as illustrations in the chapter on prosody or rhetoric of our Bengali grammar. Now I retailed at her evening gatherings the astronomical tit-bits I had gleaned from Proctor. My father's follower Kishori belonged at one time to a band of reciters of Dasarathi's jingling versions of the Epics.

Petit brought in the dishes, and came in thrice as often as was necessary, her ears wide open, leaving the door ajar as often as she dared. Poor woman! she had prepared an excellent dinner, and nobody paid any attention to it. M. Lecoq was fond of tit-bits; yet, when Louis placed on the table a dish of superb grapes quite out of season his mouth did not so much as expand into a smile. Dr.

He usually seizes his prey by the flank near the hind leg, or by the throat below the jaw. He has his particular likings and tit-bits, and is very expert in carving out the parts of an animal that please him best.

After a while she explained, blushing and giggling, that one of the cook's assistants had made friends with her the previous night and given her two meringues. "A friend of mine who came out as a stewardess told me the best thing you could do was to make friends with the cooks or the butchers because there's all sorts of little tit-bits they can get for you.

For a while he waited and debated with himself, not at all certain now that he was as keen for a solution of the riddle of that cut which had adorned Young Denny's chin as he had been. And yet, even while he hesitated, feeding his imagination upon the choicest of premonitory tit-bits, he knew he meant to go ahead.

"I often tell myself that there's more in me than my mo than people think." "There's an enormous amount in you." "Then, won't you let me send an essay on The Ways of Bank Clerks to Tit-Bits, and get the guinea prize?" "That wasn't exactly what I meant, old fellow: perhaps it would be better to wait a little and go ahead with the galley-story." "Ah, but I sha'n't get the credit of that.