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On its seventh page, under the title "The Daily Magazine," room is usually found for matter of a general nature glorified Tit-Bits confections. If the Daily Mail has a weakness, it is for statistical articles of an international character, illustrated by ingenious diagrams articles in which Great Britain by hook or by crook is made to surpass and outvie every other country.

There was no question of priority or disputing as to whom the tit-bits of the whale should go. Even the visitors were quite at liberty to take whatever portion they could secure. For about a fortnight this cutting-up and gorging went on, but long before this the stench from the decomposing carcasses was so horrible as to be painfully noticeable at my camp, over a mile away.

They said I hadn't played fair, as the contest didn't begin until two o'clock. My point was that I had not transgressed the rules as I had done nothing to profit by my accident in seeing her first. "I couldn't help seeing her, could I?" I asked. "You could have, too, if you hadn't been all frowsting over Tit-Bits in the train. And after all, I didn't know it was Kathleen. I only suspected it."

They're like pampered, highly-groomed animals, with their mouths open for the tit-bits of life. They have to be fed with whatever food it may be they crave for, and that's the end of it." Kendricks motioned with his head across the room to where the little woman with the blackened eyebrows was eating her dinner. "What about that?" he asked.

After hopping sedately about, contriving to annex the tit-bits from Signy's contribution, and making inquiries into the position of affairs, Sir Raven suddenly alighted on the window-sill in front of Mistress Puss, and screamed harshly in her very face, "Shoo! shoo! Uncle, uncle, uncle!"

He saw a good chance for his journal in the event, and an opportunity for a scandalous article, for which he expected Christophe to provide him with material if he did not write it himself; for he thought that after such an explosion the Court musician would put his very considerable political talents and his no less considerable little tit-bits of secret information about the Court at the service of "the cause."

That meal, under his daughter's management, took a long time, and the joint when it reached him was more than half cold. It was, moreover, quite clear that the aristocracy had not even mastered the rudiments of carving, but preferred instead to box the compass for tit-bits. He ate his meal in silence, and when it was over sought out his guest to administer a few much-needed stage-directions.

'Tit-Bits' would publish my name and address if I win. What are you grinning at? They would." "I know it. Suppose you go for a walk. I want to look through my notes about our story." Now this reprehensible youth who left me, a little hurt and put back, might for aught he or I knew have been one of the crew of the Argo had been certainly slave or comrade to Thorfin Karlsefne.

His evidence for this statement was not only the local newspapers, whose opinion might be biased by patriotism that is, led away from the exact truth but in the more stable testimony of reputable English journals, such as Answers and Tit-Bits and Pearson's Weekly, he found an authoritative and gratifying confirmation that is, they agreed.

And the big round snails, the luscious tit-bits of the hedgehog's provender, crept into the holes of the red mice and into the chinks of walls and banks, where, protected by their shells, each being fastened to its resting place by a neat rim of hardened glue, they lived unconscious of decay and gloom.