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Making things,” Dicky said cheerfully. On the table were piles of mysterious-looking objects made entirely of paper. Some were of white paper and others of brown, but they were all decorated with trimmings of colored tissue. “What are they?” Maida asked. “Aren’t they lovely? I never saw anything like them in my life.”

Now, however, she was far from done. The paint dry, she restored her two pieces of furniture to their rightful places. The dressing-table box she skirted with cheesecloth dipped in blued starch; and covered the top of it with a roll of crinkly, flower-sprinkled tissue paper. To the general effect, her cretonne-encased pillow gave the final touch.

These are: Irritability, or the property possessed by living matter of reacting when stimulated. Movement, or the power of contracting when stimulated. Metabolism, or the power of absorbing extraneous food and producing in it certain chemical changes, which either convert it into more living tissue or break it to pieces to liberate the inclosed energy.

If you manage to get outside the garden gate, call a hack and drive to that address. Here I gave her your direction on a small piece of tissue paper. 'If you are about to be seized, chew up the paper and swallow it.

This book is nothing more than a compilation of selected portions of Rollin's, Goldsmith's, Furguson's, Hume's, and other ancient histories; added to which, is a tissue of historical absurdities and literary blunders, shamefully palpable, for which the author or authors should mantle their faces.

Take, for instance, the death of the second Villiers, Duke of Buckingham a story which, in Pope's version of it, has travelled into a popularity that may be called national; and yet, the whole is one tissue of falsehoods and of falsehoods that must have been known for such by Pope not less than to most of his contemporary readers.

Madame has not even a wish to know what love is. She diverts herself with the feeling, as children do with fireworks, form which a spark might set a palace on fire. It makes a display, and that is all she cares about. Besides, pleasure forms the tissue of which she wishes her life to be woven. M. de Guiche loves this illustrious personage, but she will never love him."

From these separate threads of connexion between parts of the great whole which we term nature, a general tissue of connexion unavoidably weaves itself, by which the whole is held together.

Before suppuration has taken place and in the cases where suppuration does not occur, the horse-shoer's method of paring out the diseased tissue affords a means of temporary relief; but unless frequently done, in many cases, lameness results within about three weeks after such treatment has been given.

Howland had talked and talked and talked to reporters until he was sick of them as of every one and everything else. He turned to his secretary. "See that fellow, will you?" he said. In less than a minute the secretary hurried into the office with an excited manner, the reporter at his heels, bearing a long sheet of tissue paper filled with typewriting.