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"Whether every man's children overpower him, I wonder? I am positively afraid of you and Veronica." "What do you mean?" "I am always unprepared for the demonstrations of character you and she make. My traditional estimate, which comes from thoughtfulness, or the putting off of responsibility, or God knows what, I find will not answer.

"Did you not know that I would be punctual when I gave you my word to that effect?" "Oh, yes; but there are such things as accidents, you know, and an accident would have been very awkward on the eve of a voyage. And you are late, you are late, you see!" "Yes," said Ishmael, as he passed on to speak to his young clerks and thank them for their thoughtfulness in waiting.

'There, said he, 'I can do you better watchman's service than if I lay within; and by that door you may come and go unespied of any gossips. Althea smiled, and commended his thoughtfulness. Then she said, 'You will come with us now, Will? We must examine this house; so he stepped in, shuddering, and looking round almost with horror.

The incident led to a collision between Michael and his father, the coster; who, however, remitted one-half of his son's deserts and let him off easy on condition of his reinstating the footway. Michael would have left all intact, he said, had he only been told that his thoughtfulness would provoke the Court's ingratitude. "Why couldn't they say aforehand they didn't want no slide?" said he.

By the care and thoughtfulness of Gilbert, a pretty little house and garden had been prepared for his father-in-law and family, at a short distance from our own dwelling, where the office of the business was now ready on the ground-floor, completely fitted up, and separated from the private dwelling.

Cope." "No." Foster wiped out Cope with one question. "Likely to 'cultivate' some other young chap, next year?" Randolph had a moment of sober thoughtfulness. "No." "Good! Get back into harness; have 'hours' and all the rest of it. Best thing in the world for you. The young care so much for us the devil they do!"

He had just a glimpse of her face and that much of her eyes that he knew she had not looked at him. It all had the appearance of a struggle for the possession of a chair, because Mr Verloc instantly took his wife’s place in it. Mr Verloc did not cover his face with his hands, but a sombre thoughtfulness veiled his features. A term of imprisonment could not be avoided.

Those whom success induces to relax their habits of care and thoughtfulness, and their willingness to encounter disagreeables, seldom long retain their good fortune at its height. The mental attribute which seems exclusively dedicated to Progress, and is the culmination of the tendencies to it, is Originality, or Invention.

Will it be too much for you to have the boy, because we will send him away, too, if you like?" But Vera turned round and smiled upon the boy. "Oh, no, let him come, certainly; but let us go home, all three of us at once, if you don't mind." The thoughtfulness that had kept her secret for her, even from the eyes of the woman who was supposed to be her intimate friend, surely deserved its reward.

"No use letting any ugly tales get round or raking up that other story, is it? I don't know whether Thurston induced Leslie's wife to run off or not from what I have heard of him I hardly think he did but one may as well let things simmer down gracefully." "I am grateful for your thoughtfulness," replied Savine. "Probably it is more than he would have done for you.