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But it is not in a mournful light alone that we must view the Scotch, or indeed any other terrier; for they are the most untiring playful beings under the sun. I picked up a poor little expiring puppy by the edge of a pond one day, recovered him, brought him up, and there never was a more faithful or amusing beast.

They'll put the abortive attempt down to me, and you may ma foi! I only suggest that you may escape safely out of France in the Daydream, and with the help of your humble servant." "But in the meanwhile they'll discover you, and they'll not let you escape a second time." "My friend! if a terrier were to lose his temper, he never would run a rat to earth.

I imagine that the cultivators, in the course of ages, must have tracked the element and followed it up, as a terrier will pursue a rabbit in its burrow, planting trees in proportion as they laid bare its once subterranean bed. Thus, the supply of liquid being constant, the oasis is impelled to wander in the direction of its springs; the more you add to the head, the shorter grows the tail.

Had you seen her you must have admired her, and would not have wondered at my predilection, and at my coursing her so much. She ran so fast, so much, and so long in my service, that she actually ran off her legs; so that, in the latter part of her life, I was under the necessity of working and using her only as a terrier, in which quality she still served me many years.

At this moment his little terrier sprung forward, barking most furiously. Brown quickened his pace, and, attaining the summit of a small rising ground, saw the subject of the dog's alarm. In a hollow about a gunshot below him a man whom he easily recognised to be Dinmont was engaged with two others in a desperate struggle.

Roy, the Skye terrier at her feet, was smelling at the reverend gentleman's legs with a slow movement of his tail. "The old dog likes me," said the Rector; "they know a dog-lover when they see one wonderful creatures, dogs! I'm sometimes tempted to think they may have souls!" Mrs. Pendyce answered: "Horace says he's getting too old." The dog looked up in her face, and her lip quivered.

Bobby flew at the insulting clamor, but Auld Jock dragged him back roughly. In a voice made harsh by fear for his little pet, he commanded: "Haud yer gab or they'll hae ye oot." Bobby dropped like a shot, cringing at Auld Jock's feet. The most sensitive of four-footed creatures in the world, the Skye terrier is utterly abased by a rebuke from his master.

Would you mind just running him across the ring as quickly as you can?" The owners of the other three dogs wore during this time an expression of inhuman selflessness of superhumanly kind interest in Jan and his doings. "It's a thousand pities he's so very coarse," murmured one disinterested admirer, the owner of the Welsh terrier.

A few more examples are all that my limits will allow they abound on every side, and the difficulty lies only in selecting M. Ribot being to hand, I will venture to lay him under still further contributions. Finally, a young polecat terrier was thrown into a state of great excitement the first time he ever saw one of these animals, while a spaniel remained perfectly calm.

The dog was a sma' young terrier of the Highland breed, but with a drop to his ears and a crinkle in his frosty coat no' just an ordinar' dog. I know him weel. He came to my place to be fed, near dead of hunger, then led me here. If his master lies in this kirkyard, I'll tak' the bit dog awa' with me." Mr.