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Updated: July 31, 2024

Though not, sir, brought up in the tented field, nor accustomed to make war an exercise, and do not so much thirst for martial renown as to desire to witness such a war, yet I cannot fear it, nor doubt its success." A touching episode in the life of Sims!

About the same hour that the former was endeavouring to compass the destruction of Paul Bevan, Betty was on her knees in her little tented room, recalling the deeds, the omissions, and the shortcomings of the past day, interceding alike for friends and foes if we may venture to assume that a rose without a thorn could have foes!

I heard the noise of plates and dishes in the next room, and Marchas said to me, smiling in a con tented manner: "This is famous; I found the champagne under the flight of steps outside, the brandy fifty bottles of the very finest in the kitchen garden under a pear tree, which did not seem to me to be quite straight when I looked at it by the light of my lantern.

Even they had taken on the Midas touch of gold, for all green and gold that world of blue-grass was all green and gold, except for the shaggy unkempt fields where the king of weeds had tented the year before and turned them over to his camp followers ragweed, dockweed, white-top, and cockle-burr.

He had not invited me to further conversation only, when I had drained the cup he called again: "Rachael! More coffee," whereupon the same young woman advanced, without glancing at me, received my cup, and returned it steaming. "You are from the East, stranger?" he now inquired. "Yes, sir. I arrived in Benton only yesterday." "A Sodom," he growled harshly. "A tented sepulcher. And it will perish.

Hard upon this an audience of townspeople and visitors which taxed the standing capacity of the tented enterprise had flowed in, after first complying with the necessary financial details at the ticket booth.

But now that home was no longer comfortable, now that Cynthy had sharpened her tongue, and turned "ferce," and now hardest blow of all that he was kept on short commons, he began to think he might as well be on the tented field, and get a little glory along with the discomfort if that was inevitable. Nature abhors a vacuum, and when food fell short patriotism had a chance to fill the aching void.

The best seats in the great tented arena were none too good for them. Stefana laboriously shut up Elly Precious' go-cart, and Miss Theodosia lifted Elly Precious in her arms. In the procession they sought those best-of-all seats. What followed, even Evangeline gazed upon in silence; there were no words in Evangeline's dictionary for what followed.

He is to command the encampment at Luneville, and she is to do the honours giving dinners, balls, concerts, and soirées, to the ladies who accompany their lords to "the tented field," and to the numerous visitors who resort to see it. They have invited us to go to them, but we cannot accept their kindness. They are "On hospitable thoughts intent,"

Many youths from Mecklenburg and adjoining counties, yet too young to engage in the battles of their country, and others of older years, whose services were not imperiously needed on the tented field, flocked to an institution where a useful and thorough education could be imparted.

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