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And William Russell, in a fit of insomnia or indigestion, before daybreak, "heard a very doleful noyse on ye backside of ye fire, like ye noyse of a great stone thrown down among a heap of stones." Goody Birdsall "declared y't she was in the house of Goody Simons when Goody Bishop came into the house with ye dockweed and between Goody Davis and Goody Simons they burned the herbs.

It is pleasanter to drive a team of eight horses over cleared land than to grub out dockweed and thistles all alone in one corner. She leaned forward and began reading the titles of the books Pauline had selected for her study. 'Homer's Iliad and Plato, I told mamma you were intense Hallam's Middle Ages and Macaulay's History of England. I had no idea you had monarchical tendencies.

Even they had taken on the Midas touch of gold, for all green and gold that world of blue-grass was all green and gold, except for the shaggy unkempt fields where the king of weeds had tented the year before and turned them over to his camp followers ragweed, dockweed, white-top, and cockle-burr.

The very face of the land showed decadence, and, in the wake of the witches, white top, dockweed, ragweed, cockle burr, and sweet fern had up- leaped like some joyous swarm of criminals unleashed from the hand of the law, while the beautiful pastures and grassy woodlands, their dignity outraged, were stretched here and there between them, helpless, but breathing in the very mists their scorn.