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Near her sat Regina, playing with a large white and yellow cat that now and then sprang to catch a spray of lemon-scented geranium, which was swung teasingly just beyond the reach of her velvet paws. "I am glad, my dear, to hear you speak so kindly of the members of your guardian's family. I have never yet seen that person who had not some redeeming trait.

It's not proper to ask you to come to me ... to believe you might come ... to have everything ready in case you might come. Prude, Jenny! That's what you are." "A prude wouldn't have come." "That's all you know," said Keith, teasingly. "She'd have come out of curiosity; but she'd have made a fuss. That's what prudes are. That's what they do."

Jim sat on the brookside and watched the minnows, having ventured midway upon the log, to retreat at the sight of his own reflection in the water. "He's a coward," said Bernard teasingly, alluding to the recreant Jim. "I wouldn't have a dog that was a coward." "He ain't a coward," returned Eugenia passionately. "He jes' don't like looking at his own face, that's all. Here, Nick, hand me your hat."

They notice at once if you're fond of them; if you aren't they don't thrive." "Yes, I do believe that, for if you're fond of them you take good care of them," said the incorrigible Ellen. "I'm not so sure of that," said Pelle, looking at her teasingly. "You're very fond of your balsam, but a gardener would be sure to tell you that you treat it like a cabbage.

As she returned, she splashed some water on to one of his boots, and he looked up with an oath. She took this as an invitation to stop, and put down her pails with a cautious glance up at the windows of the big house. "You've not had all the sleep you ought to have had, Gustav," she said teasingly, and laughed. "Then it isn't your fault, at any rate," he answered roughly.

They were like strangers, peering at each other through the grey dusk. "Look here, Francey, dearest, you don't expect me to believe that? You're just joking, aren't you? You're you're a modern woman, with a scientific training, too. You can't believe in an old, worn-out myth." "I didn't say that." "'An untested hypothesis," he quoted teasingly, but with a stirring anger.

She was one of those whom you couldn't trust out of your sight. He felt quite sorry for Tiralla, who wasn't a bad fellow, but imposed upon, imposed upon. "My wife says " "Tut, tut, your wife's jealous," said Schmielke teasingly, and laughed. "Naturally it can't be agreeable for her to have the fair Sophia as her nearest neighbour." "What do you mean?" roared the man.

"And if you should get wet, what would it matter? A bathing-suit isn't a party dress, Hilda," urged Cricket. "We usually expect to get wet when we go into the water, anyway." "Mother, may I go out to swim?" sang Archie, teasingly. "Come on, Hilda. Just go right forward, ker-chunk," and Cricket made a run and threw herself full length in the shallow water.

Sam put the ring near her finger, then drew it away teasingly. "Them as asks shan't have," he said, in high good humor. "You're too greedy. Look at the number of rings you've got already." The fun of the situation diffused itself along the table. "Give it me," laughed Miriam Hyams, stretching out her finger. "I'll say 'ta' so nicely."

And the other night, when I saw her after their lunching together at Dives, I asked her teasingly if she'd had a happy day, and she laughed the prettiest laugh I ever heard and put her arms around me then suddenly broke out crying and ran out of the room." "But that may have been no more than over-strained nerves," I feebly suggested.