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Ten years after the Civil War Willis Williams had advanced in his studies to the extent that he passed the government examination and became a railway mail clerk. He ran from Tallahassee to Palatka and River Junction on the Florida Central and Peninsular Railroad. There was no other railroad going into Tallahassee then.

I therefore consoled myself that the outrage had brought its own punishment in the loss of the mule, which was at least worth from eighty to one hundred dollars. Passing onwards, we reached Tallahassee by rather a circuitous route, viá Mount Pleasant.

They change March into May, or vicy versy, and each one is as beautiful as the other. Sakes alive! what an old April Fool I was not to think of all this myself when I first saw those two young people together." Long before this, honest Jan Jansen, who had returned from Tallahassee with Mr.

In the pocket was a one-dollar Tallahassee Bank note, and the rascal had the impudence to ask me to give him silver coin for that dollar. He had evidently killed the wearer, and was disappointed because the pocket contained a paper dollar instead of one in silver.

The dreary sameness of the interior of this desolate country is distressing to the traveller; and the journey from one settlement to another, through pine-forests, seems almost interminable. One morning, a short time prior to my intended departure for Tallahassee, I was roused before daybreak by a rifle-shot, which was instantly followed by the cry of "Guard, turn out!" and much hubbub.

Along the way, while still attempting to speak the wireless operator ashore, the Farragut had picked up the battleship Tallahassee and enlisted its aid. The latter had summoned the Detroit and the Raleigh. It was while the Farragut was searching for some trace of the sunken Dewey that the escaped submarine had suddenly shot to the surface within a half mile of the destroyer.

DRESSER, AMOS. The Narrative of Amos Dresser with Stone's Letters from Natchez an Obituary Notice of the Writer and Two Letters from Tallahassee Relating to the Treatment of Slaves. DREWERY, WILLIAM SIDNEY. Slave Insurrections in Virginia, 1830-1865. DUBOIS, W.E.B. The Philadelphia Negro. The Suppression of the African Slave Trade to the United States of America, 1638-1870.

At Ellaville, sixty-five miles from Tallahassee, they saw great saw-mills, and directly they crossed one of the most famous rivers in the country, the Suwannee, and Ruth hummed softly, "'Way down upon de Swanee Ribber, Far, far away." Soon afterwards they reached Live Oak, where they were to change cars for Savannah.

Tcup-ko calls his peopleTallahassee Indians.” He says that they are notthe sameas the Fish Eating Creek, Big Cypress, and Miami people. I learned, moreover, that the ceremony of the Green Corn Dance may take place at the three last named settlements and not at those of the north. TheTallahassee Indiansgo to Fish Eating Creek if they desire to take part in the festival.

I couldn't do a sum to save me; I couldn't tell, for love or money, whether Tallahassee was the capital of Tennessee or of Florida; the present and the pluperfect tenses were inextricably mixed in my memory, and I didn't know a verb from an adjective when I met one. This was not alone my condition, but that of every boy in the school. Mr.