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"The edge of the world: the knot which links together East and West; the centre in which all extremes combine," was the not overcharged description given of Constantinople by one of her own bishops. 'Lectures on Mediæval Architecture. 'Syrie Centrale.

Every morning he went into the park, and if, after searching for her long, he could not discover on what tree she was swaying, nor the covert in which she crouched to play with a bird, nor the roof on which she might have clambered, he would whistle the well-known air of "Partant pour la Syrie," to which some tender memory of their love attached.

Voyage en Syrie et en Egypte, 1783-1785. Par Volney. Paris, 1800. 2 vols. 8vo. The character of this work, of which there is an English translation, is too well known to be insisted upon here. What relates to Syria is the most detailed and important, and has been less superseded by subsequent travellers. A Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem, in 1697. By H. Maundrel.

The outriders appeared, the doors opened, I stepped out, the children and Princes close behind me; the band struck up "Partant pour la Syrie," the trumpets sounded, and the open carriage, with the Emperor and Empress, Albert sitting opposite to them, drove up, and they got out. "I cannot say what indescribable emotions filled me, how much all seemed like a wonderful dream.

Louis n'étoit plus en Syrie. La mort de Blanche sa mère l'avoit rappelé enfin en France, d'où il n'auroit jamais du sortir, et néanmoins il ne se rendit qu'après une année de retard encore. Rubruquis s'apprêtoit

For examples of this pre-war imperialist propaganda, see G. Poignant, "Les Intérêts français en Syrie," Questions diplomatiques et coloniales, March 1-16, 1913.

"Here, again," writes one of the guests, "Hortense was perfectly at home. She sang several songs, of which I afterwards found her to be the unacknowledged composer. Among these was the beautiful air, Partant pour la Syrie, which will be a fair guaranty that I do not say too much for the rest."

Michonneau, and so artlessly revealed that he was in two minds whether to go or stay, that the boarders, in their joy at being quit of Mlle. Michonneau, burst out laughing at the sight of him. "Hist! st! st! Poiret," shouted the painter. "Hallo! I say, Poiret, hallo!" The employe from the Museum began to sing: "Partant pour la Syrie, Le jeune et beau Dunois..."

Six years afterwards there was a rage for chivalry, Partant pour la Syrie a pack of nonsense and he christened his second daughter Isaure. She is seventeen. So there are two daughters to marry. "'The women will not have a penny left in ten years' time, said Werbrust, speaking to Desroches in a confidential tone.

Among other interesting facts, the author cites Premier Poincaré's declaration before the Chamber of Deputies, December 21, 1912: "I need not remark that in the Lebanon and Syria particularly we have traditional interests and that we intend to make them respected." Quoted by Senator E. Flandrin in his article "Nos Droits en Syrie et en Palestine," Revue Hebdomadaire, June 5, 1915.