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It would be ignoble to dignify that ugly enterprise of to-day, the cracking of suburban cribs, with the same punishment which was meted out to Claude Duval and the immortal Switcher. Better for the churl the disgrace of Portland than the chance of heroism and respect given at the Tree! And where are the heroes whose art was as glorious as their intrepidity?

"You'd both on ye average two decent looking fellars for whar Seth Stokes is too long, Sam Switcher arn't long enough; and whar Sam Switcher's got too much, Seth Stokes han't got nothing." A roar of laughter, in which both Seth and Sam joined, followed Isaac's closing remarks; for besides partaking of the ludicrous, none could deny that his description was correct.

"Harken all! A toast a toast from the long man o' the bony frame!" cried the voice of Sam Switcher. A laugh, and then silence followed. "Here's to to Isaac and Peggy Younker two beauties!" continued Seth. "May thar union be duly acknowledged by the rising generation o' old Kaintuck;" and the speaker gravely proceeded to drink.

It needs a cool brain and a sound courage to empty a pocket in the watchful presence of spies and policemen. While Gentleman Harry chose a lonely road, or the cover of night for his exploits, the Switcher always worked by day, hustled by a crowd of witnesses. Their hours of leisure furnish a yet more striking contrast.

In the course of an hour and a half, Billings himself returned, accompanied by some seven or eight stout hearts; among whom were young Switcher, Stokes, Millbanks, and, lastly, Isaac Younker, who had been roused from the nuptial bed to hear of the terrible calamity that had befallen his friends.

And, by way of contrast, while the Switcher was an accomplished artist, Gentleman Harry was a roystering braggart. AS William Brodie stood at the bar, on trial for a his life, he seemed the gallantest gentleman in court. Thither he had been carried in a chair, and, still conscious of the honour paid him, he flashed a condescending smile upon his judges.

This plan seemed the best that could be adopted under the circumstances; and after some further consultation among themselves, it was finally agreed that Isaac, with six others two of whom were Switcher and Stokes should proceed on the present trail; while Millbanks and the remainder should accompany Boone.

I remember he wouldn't take a job running switcher said a man that didn't know that firing for Jim Wainright was a better job than running was crazy. What's become of him? Running, I suppose?" Jim Wainright put his hand up to his eyes for a minute, and his voice was a little husky as he said: "No, John, the Kid went away " "Went away?" "Yes, across the Great Divide dead."

The one bearing the poetical appellation of Seth Stokes, was long, thin and bony, with sharp features, and legs that reminded one of a carpenter's compass; while his companion, Sam Switcher, was round-favored, short in limbs and stature, and fat almost to corpulency thus forming a contrast to the other of the most striking kind.

He let Ruth slip through and whispered: "Your party's aboard your car. There's a switcher coupled on. She'll scoot you all down the yard to the main line. Get aboard." Ruth slipped through the gate, while the guard stood in a position to prevent the two men from approaching it. The girl heard the gate close behind her. It was evident that Mr.