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"That is why, then, you take so much stock in tramps," said Lance. "You expect to recognize HIM?" "Well," replied Flip, gravely, "there is suthing in THAT, and there's suthing in THIS: some o' these chaps might run across brother and do him a good turn for the sake of me." "Like me, for instance?" suggested Lance. "Like you. You'd do him a good turn, wouldn't you?"

There was clearly no deceit here! Renshaw's attentive eyes saw the smile, and his brow darkened. "I like to hear yer say that, Mr. Renshaw," said Nott, "and it's no more than Rosey deserves, ez it's suthing onnat'ral and spell-like that's come over her through Ferrers. It ain't my Rosey.

"Useter pass our house on the road," returned the girl, dropping into her monotonous recital, "and useter signal." "Ah, signal?" repeated the Colonel, approvingly. "Yes! He'd say 'Kerrow, and I'd say 'Kerree. Suthing like a bird, you know." Indeed, as she lifted her voice in imitation of the call the Colonel thought it certainly very sweet and birdlike. At least as she gave it.

Told 'em to send over soon 's ever it come," said the farmer, calmly. "Shouldn't wonder ef suthing was afire some'r's," conjectured the hired man, surveying the horizon for a cloud of smoke. Instead of advancing to meet the messenger, both stood like statues in blue overalls and red flannel shirts, till the boy arrived and told his tale. "Sho, that's bad," said the farmer, anxiously.

Don't pester me about it till you're ready; then I'll give you a little suthing to start off with." And Uncle Enos returned to "The Farmer's Friend," as if cattle were more interesting than kindred. Christie was accustomed to his curt speech and careless manner; had expected nothing more cordial; and, turning to her aunt, said, rather bitterly: "Didn't I tell you he'd be glad to have me go?

Buy it, you mean?" said Mrs. Tucker. "I offered to sell it to him." Patterson arose from the chair, looked despairingly around him, passed his hand sadly across his forehead, and said: "It's come! I knew it would. It's the warning! It's suthing betwixt jim-jams and doddering idjiocy. Here I'd hev been willin' to swear that Mrs.

"That is why, then, you take so much stock in tramps," said Lance. You expect to recognize him?" "Well," replied Flip, gravely, "there is suthing in that, and there's suthing in this: some o' these chaps might run across brother and do him a good turn for the sake of me." "Like me, for instance?" suggested Lance. "Like you. You'd do him a good turn, wouldn't you?"

"Suthing a cussed sight more hon'rable an' more useful ter ther Gover'mint then stayin' 'round heah nussin' these loafers," he answered roughly. "Hist! thar's a shadder nigh yon winder."

You see Betsey was always pesterin' me to give to charity things; but I told her it was better to save up and give it in a handsome lump that looked well, and was a credit to you. When she was dyin' she reminded me on't, and I promised I'd do suthing before I follered. I've been turnin' on't over in my mind for a number of months, and I don't seem to find any thing that's jest right.

Uncle Enos had a coughing spell just then; and, when he got over it, he said with an effort, for even to talk of giving away his substance cost him a pang: "I'm gettin' into years now, and it's about time I fixed up matters in case I'm took suddin'. I always meant to give you a little suthing, but as you didn't ask for't, I took good care on 't, and it ain't none the worse for waitin' a spell.