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Updated: August 9, 2024

Didn't I hear a woman's step go up- stairs when my hand was on the latch? 'Ah! sure thin you're right, surr, I forgot her! 'Tis on'y Betsy White, surr. Ah! you know Betsy, surr. Come down, Betsy darlin', and say the gintlemin. Generally, Sharpeye turns to Mr. Superintendent, and says, as if the subjects of his remarks were wax-work: 'One of the worst, sir, this house is.

"Well, surr, I'd go to the mair of this city and to the judge of the criminal coort, and to the gov'ner of the Sta-ate, and to the ligislatur, if needs be, and I'd say, 'Gintlemin, I can't go back to that prison! There is more crimes a-being committed by the people outside ag'in the fellies in theyre than than than the the fellies in theyre has committed ag'in the people!

Here the amount of green surface, and the number of birds, especially the blue-rock and the insect-impaling "butcher," whose nests were in the thin forest of thorn-trees, argue that water is not far off. The Ras Wady Surr is a charming halting-place. Our Arabs worked hard to gain another day.

It produces large and nutritious fruit, excellent milk, large leaves that are used for covering in and roofing huts, materials for strong cordage, the clearest oil for burning, mats, woven stuffs, colouring matter, and even a kind of drink called surr, toddy, or palm brandy, and obtained by incisions made in the crown of the tree, to which, during an entire month, the Hindoos climb up every morning and evening, making incisions in the stem and hanging pots underneath to catch the sap which oozes out.

Whilst the caravan was ordered to march straight up the noble Wady Surr, we set off next morning at six a.m. up the Wady Malih, the north-eastern branch of the bulge in the bed. A few Arab tents were scattered about the bushes above the mouth; and among the yelping curs was a smoky-faced tyke which might have been Eskimo-bred: hereabouts poor 'Brahim had been lost, and was not fated to be found.

Riley turned with sudden fervor. "Good cayre! Mr. Ristofalo," she exclaimed, lifting her free hand and touching her bosom with the points of her fingers, "ye don't know the hairt of a woman, surr! No-o-o, surr! It's love we wants! 'The hairt as has trooly loved nivver furgits, but as trooly loves ahn to the tlose!" "Yes," said the Italian; "yes," nodding and ever smiling, "dass aw righ'."

Again, the form, the size, and the inclination of the noble massif are wrongly laid down by the hydrographers. It is a compact block, everywhere rising abruptly from low and sandy watercourses, and completely detached from its neighbours by broad Wadys the Surr to the north and east, while southwards run the Kuwayd and the Zahakan.

"I am afraid not," answered the professor gravely. "Marchetto is not a mathematician; are you, Marchetto?" "No surr, Effendim. Marchetto very honest man. Twenty-five pounds, lady ah! but it is birindjí there is not a Pacha in Stamboul" "You have said that before," observed the scientist, "Try and say something new." "New!" cried Marchetto. "It is not new. Any one say it new, he lie!

"And where are the others?" "Trigg, sir Captain Blake's troop. He went to the captain's quarters with a package." "He should have reported himself first to the post commander," said the major, who deemed it advisable to make prompt impression on these savage hunters of savage game. "Thim wasn't his ordhers, surr," said Kennedy, with zealous, but misguided loyalty to his comrades and his regiment.

The stoker with the red nose stood there like a king; he drank from a flat-bodied flask, and from time to time he handled the valves, sending forth a loud, imperious bellowing like a tamer of wild beasts. And then the big wheel began to turn surr, surr, surr always quicker and quicker.

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