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He recounted the events of the night before with stinging sarcasm in proof of Brian's regularity. He ended magnificently by blaming Brian for the disorder of the studio. There were handles everywhere. And Brian in an exuberance of amiability had broken a statuette. Likely Whitaker would see even in that some form of paternal oppression.

The statuette of Sebek-user, son of Ab-nub, evidenced a connection between Knossos and Egypt in the time of the later Middle Kingdom. This cartouche of Khyan shows that the connection was maintained in that dark period of Egyptian history which lay between the fall of the Middle Kingdom and the rise of the Empire.

Sometimes she would sit down for a half-hour before one picture; again she would examine most critically a statue or a statuette. Whenever new music was received, she looked it over and carried off such pieces as pleased her fancy. She evidently was a privileged character, and no one save her father exercised the slightest control over her movements.

On the chimney-piece, of exquisitely carved oak, there was nothing except a strange, evidently Florentine, ivory statuette attributed to Michael Angelo, representing Pan discovering a woman under the skin of a young shepherd, the original of which is in the royal palace of Vienna. On either side were candelabra of Renaissance design.

Some are returned, the rest are thrown on the floor in a corner on top of a pair of gum shoes, an overturned statuette of the Winged Victory, and a pile of old magazines containing a picture of the editor in the act of reading the latest copy of Le Petit Journal, right side up you can tell by the illustrations. It is only a legend that there are waste baskets in editors' offices.

After all I had no earthly right to blaze out so about the shotgun. And you can't imagine how the statuette upset me. "Say hello to Kenny for me, won't you? Tell him I'm brown and lean already, and that I like the fortunes of the road." It hurt of course that the letter was Garry's. Nettled at first, Kenny had half a mind not to read it. Later, why it was Garry's, gave him a sense of power.

One of my friends had a little marble statuette of Cupid in the parlor of his country-house, bow, arrows, wings, and all complete. A visitor, indigenous to the region, looking pensively at the figure, asked the lady of the house "if that was a statoo of her deceased infant?" What a delicious, though somewhat voluminous biography, social, educational, and aesthetic in that brief question!

But the moment you can imagine a guardsman you can imagine a small guardsman. The moment you really see an elephant you can call it "Tiny." If you can make a statue of a thing you can make a statuette of it. These people professed that the universe was one coherent thing; but they were not fond of the universe. But I was frightfully fond of the universe and wanted to address it by a diminutive.

Something seemed to shine out of Hudson's face as a warning against a "compliment" of the idle, unpondered sort. "Your statuette seems to me very good," Rowland said gravely. "It has given me extreme pleasure." "And my cousin knows what is good," said Cecilia. "He 's a connoisseur." Hudson smiled and stared. "A connoisseur?" he cried, laughing. "He 's the first I 've ever seen!

Don't you think that the man who made this Faun was entitled to dine well?" "I cannot quite make it out," said Denis, still examining the statuette. "Ah! How does it make you feel?" "Uneasy." "You are unaware of a struggle between your own mind and that of the artist? I am glad. It is the test of beauty and vitality that a beholder refuses to acquiesce at first glance.