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The soft night-wind blew in through the elm leaves, and their rustling seemed the expression of a profound repose, an endless content. The next night Lemuel went to see Statira, without promising himself what he should say or do, but if he were to tell her everything, he felt that she would forgive him more easily than 'Manda Grier.

In this little arena, floored with sand, dotted with rushes and balconied with boulders, many hundreds of butterflies were gathered. There were five species, all of the genius Catopsilia, but only three were easily distinguishable in life, the smaller, lemon yellow statira, and the larger, orange argente and philea. There was also eubele, the migrant, keeping rather to itself.

Alexander makes Tyre his rendezvous. Festivities. Alexander prepares to march east. The captive queens. Alexander's treatment of the queens. Death of Statira. Agony of Sysigambis. Grief of Darius. Alexander crosses the Euphrates. Darius crosses the Tigris. Alexander reaches the Tigris. He crosses the river. Fording the river. The passage effected. Plan of Darius. The plain of Arbela. The caltrop.

Evans offered him tickets for the theatre, and Lemuel had got the night off and taken Statira, it seemed as if she would be willing to sit up till morning and talk the play over. Nothing else ever interested her so much, except what one of the girls in the box-factory had told her about going down to the beach, summers, and waiting on table.

Our lady Statira, your children, and your mother, when alive wanted for nothing except the light of your countenance, which our lord Oromasdes will some day restore to them, nor was she treated without honour when she died, for her funeral was even graced by the tears of her enemies. Alexander is as gracious a conqueror as he is a terrible enemy."

"But I tell her as long as it ain't the fashion in Boston, I guess she hadn't better, he-e-e-re." Statira had got on her genteel prolongation of her last syllables again. "I guess I shall get along with her. She's kind of queer when you first get acquainted; but she's real good-heart-e-e-d."

He will have adventures everywhere. He is handsome. He is clever. He can interest wherever he chooses. Sometimes he interests too easily and too deeply; sometimes in spite of himself and to his own annoyance." Eliza Marshall shot out these remarks like bullets from behind a breastwork. At the end she set her jaws firmly, and stared at Statira Belden with a proud defiance.

"What speeches you do make, 'Manda Grier," said Statira. "Well, anything better than Quaker meetin', I say," retorted 'Manda Grier; and then they were all three silent, and Lemuel thought of his clothes, and how fashionably both of the girls were dressed. "I guess," said Statira, "it'll be a pretty sickly winter, if it keeps along this way. They say a green Christmas makes a fat grave- yard."

Accordingly, a few months after Mrs. Bugbee's death, Statira began to sway the sceptre where she had once found refuge from the poor-house; for though Cornelia remained the titular mistress of the mansion, Statira was the actual ruler, invested with all the real power.

If you was anybody at all, you wouldn't look at him! You wouldn't think of him!" "O 'Manda, 'Manda! You know I can't let you talk so," moaned Statira. "Talk? I could talk my head off! 'You must not think I was provoked with you," she mimicked Lemuel's dignity of diction in mincing falsetto. "'I will come to see you very soon. Miserable, worthless, conceited whipper-snapper!"