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The first sight of the rooms made Violet somewhat melancholy, as she missed the beautiful works of art that had been a kind of education to her eye and taste, and over which she had so often dreamt and speculated with Annette.

Again I found myself sharing his apprehension, although I was too discreet to question him then, or afterwards alone, about his trouble. At eight he went on deck again to take the watch till midnight, and as I went to bed I dismissed all forebodings and speculated as to how many more voyages he could last after this sudden onslaught of old age.

No sooner had the leader deposited his piece of wood than forward came the women, the white-robed men, and then the rag-tag of the population, each person tossing a piece upon the rapidly growing heap. In silent amusement, Ridgeway and Lady Tennys watched this strange ceremony. "They've been visiting somebody's woodpile," speculated Hugh. "Perhaps they intend to roast us alive," ventured she.

Patsie limped miserably, and Elizabeth brought her down to a walk and let her droop along the old country road, and speculated on this new specimen of masculinity which had dropped from the skies to puzzle and delight her soul. The rain beat heavily now, and Elizabeth began to take her situation into account after thinking over the stranger a few minutes.

The idea of the futility and wickedness of luxury desolated the guests and made them austere, and yet even in that moment they speculated upon what goods they might take with them. And why the dinghy, though it was a dinghy of large size? Why not the launch?

"I did, and now it seems he was not this famous Galloping Hermit, after all." For a moment she was silent, recollecting that she had speculated whether this man himself might not be the wearer of the brown mask. "I am Barbara Lanison," she said suddenly, "niece to Sir John Lanison of Aylingford Abbey." "Am I in Aylingford Abbey?" Crosby asked.

"I wonder why men always talk about politics?" Mary speculated. "I suppose, if we had votes, we should, too." "I dare say we should. And you spend your life in getting us votes, don't you?" "I do," said Mary, stoutly. "From ten to six every day I'm at it."

By a terrible tour de force they swallowed the fierce and turbid liquor in their cups, and then speculated fantastically upon the character and history of the materials of that breakfast.

The machinery of orders had rooted these soldiers deeply into the mud, precisely as almighty nature roots mullein stalks. They listened and speculated when a tumult of fighting came from the dim town across the river. When the noise lulled for a time they resumed their descriptions of the mud and graphically exaggerated the number of hours they had been kept waiting.

At the same time, it must be admitted that no professional man can expect employment, without he can flourish a pocket-handkerchief. As for the divine, he soon found that religion was not a commodity required in so young a country, and that he might just as well have speculated in sending a cargo of skates to the West Indies, or supplying Mussulmans with swine.