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Updated: August 6, 2024

"It's a good idee to occasionally instruct the stummick that it mustn't depend excloosively on licker for its sustainance." "A blessin'," he cried; "a blessin' onto the hed of the man what invented beans. A blessin' onto his hed!" "Which his name is GILSON! He's a first family of Bostin," said I. . . . . This is a speciment of how things was goin' in my place of residence. . . . .

I do not know that ever I heard him speak so straight to people's hearts; the sound of his voice was like song. "What? will he have been describing me?" she cried. "Little else of it since I ever came out of France!" says he, "forbye a bit of a speciment one night in Scotland in a shaw of wood by Silvermills. But cheer up, my dear! ye're bonnier than what he said.

An' then there was another curious speciment there; a tall thin feller, with one o' them lean, chinny faces. He claimed 'at he had been a show actor, but his lungs had given out claimed he was a tragudian, but Great Scott! he couldn't even turn a handspring.

In course, now you comes to mention it, I knows as he is a man, and an uncommon fine speciment too; but, Lord, when I knowed him fust he was quite a dapper young sprig; and it comes nat'ral-like to speak of him as a boy. Hows'ever," continued he apologetically, "in course, since you don't like it, I won't call him a boy no more. What shall I call him, so please your ladyship?"

It tharfore befalls that when I makes my deboo among 'em, them canines, blinded an' besotted as I say with thoughts of coon, prounces upon me in a body. Every dog rends off a speciment of me. They don't bite twice; they perceives by the taste that it ain't no coon an' desists.

'Mollie Hines could make that Locksley Hall gent you was readin' from, or even the party who writes Watt's Hymns, go to the diskyard. An' then I repeats some forty of them stanzas, whereof that one I jest now recites is a speciment. "What does this pulpit gent say? He see I has him cinched, an' he's plumb mute.

I got so I could purt' nigh tell what an animal had on his mind, just from tendin' to her speciments. She had one speciment which was a possom, an' the blame thing bit me eight times one winter, me tryin' to give it baths an' then she wrote back home that the doggone critter didn't need'em nohow.

Yere's the first verse: I'd drink an' sw'ar an' r'ar an' t'ar An' fall down in the mud, While the y'earth for forty miles about Is kivered with my blood. "'You-all can see from that speciment that our schoolmaster ain't simply flirtin' with the muses when he originates that epic; no sir, he means business; an' whenever I throws it into the selectmen, I does it jestice.

When he's walkin' around on his own feet all he needs to do is to express a desire, an' they vetoe it on general principles, an' after they've talked themselves dry they send out an' get the preacher to finish the job; but when that same vile speciment of masculine humanity gets some of his runnin' gear damaged, why they bed him on rose leaves, feed him on honey, an', good or bad, they give him whatever he wants.

I do not know that ever I heard him speak so straight to people's hearts; the sound of his voice was like song. "What? will he have been describing me?" she cried. "Little else of it since I ever came out of France!" says he, "forby a bit of a speciment one night in Scotland in a shaw of wood by Silvermills. But cheer up, my dear! ye're bonnier than what he said.

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