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I stayed out puny late in the season, an' if cold winds was identifyin', Brophy had his treasure buried purty unpartially all over the West. I reckon I'd have died if I had it fallen in with Slocum. Slocum was a queer lookin' speciment when you first came upon him.

"O you sweet speciment!" retorted Mosey, as he picked up his second yoke. "Somethin' like you Stan' over, Rodney, or I'll twist the tail off o' you You don't ketch me havin' nothin' wrong o' me when things is" "No, begad! no you don't! take that! ah! would you indeed! on you go, dem you! s-s-s-s-s! get up there!"

I only got one arm, so it's perfectly fair. It seems to be the fashion now days to examine human beings who wear men's clothes but who ain't men so I feel it my PROFESSIONAL DUTY to examine this here speciment before us." The grin kind o' left his face when I started for him. He wasn't near my size, but me only havin' one workin' arm made it fair.

I do not know that ever I heard him speak so straight to people's hearts; the sound of his voice was like song. "What? will he have been describing me?" she cried. "Little else of it since I ever came out of France!" says he, "forby a bit of speciment one night in Scotland in a shaw of wood by Silvermills. But cheer up, my dear! ye're bonnier than what he said.

But a shorthorn, that a-way, should reserve his jedgment till he gets acquainted, or gets lynched, or otherwise experiences the West in its troo colors. While Arizona, for speciment, don't go up an' put her arms about the neck of every towerist that comes chargin' into camp, her failure to perform said rites arises rather from dignity than hauteur.

'Did th' owd powse say that, lass? cried Milly's mother. 'I nobbud wish I'd yerd him. He's lived more nor thirty year baat one, an' a bonny speciment he is. Bud it's a gradely job for th' woman 'at missed him. He were welly weddin' Malachi o' th' Mount's wife once over. 'Yi; hoo'd a lucky miss, an' no mistak'. But happen hoo'd ha' snapped him. 'Never, lad.