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"An' I can fecht!" remarked Peter in a low voice, that betrayed neither fear nor excitement. "The sodgers can do nae harm to me," returned the old woman firmly. "Do my bidding, bairns. Be aff, I say!" There was no resisting Mrs. Mitchell's word of command.

And if there were twenty thousand eediots like yourself, sorrow a Duncan Jopp would hang the fewer. But there's no splairging possible in a camp; and if you were to go to it, you would find out for yourself whether Lord Well'n'ton approves of caapital punishment or not. You a sodger!" he cried, with a sudden burst of scorn. "Ye auld wife, the sodgers would bray at ye like cuddies!"

"All right," said Jerrem doggedly, while Joan slid back the seat of the settle, turned down a flap in the wall, and discovered the hole in which Jerrem was to lie concealed. "There! there ain't another hidin'-place like that in all Polperro," she said. "They may send a whole reg'ment o' sodgers afore a man among 'em 'ull pitch on 'ee there, Jerrem."

"But, father," said Jenny, "if they come to lounder ilk ither, as they did last time, suldna I cry on you?" "At no hand, Jenny; the redder gets aye the warst lick in the fray. If the sodgers draw their swords, ye'll cry on the corporal and the guard. If the country folk tak the tangs and poker, ye'll cry on the bailie and town-officers.

"Well, Jean," said Will, sympathising with the struggle it evidently cost the girl to speak to him "don't hesitate to confide in me. What would you have me do?" "Only to keep him back frae the sodgers if ye can. He's such an awfu' man to fecht when he's roosed, that he's sure to kill some o' them if he's no' killed himsel'. An' it'll be ruin to us a' an' to the Mitchells too, if "

When her brother returned at nightfall, he found her brooding over the fire, in the same attitude as on the previous night. "I reckon ye might hev seen me go by with the sodgers," he said, seating himself beside her, a little awkwardly, and with an unusual assumption of carelessness. Maggie, without looking up, was languidly surprised. He had been with the soldiers and where?

In France they have bar-keepers, waiters, chamber galls, guides, quotillions, " "Postilions, you mean," I said. "Well, postilions then, for the French have queer names for people, that's a fact; disbanded sodgers, and such trash, for spies. In England they have airls and countesses, Parliament men, and them that call themselves gentlemen and ladies, for spies." "How very absurd!" I said.

Andrew was standing alone at his post when the lithe runner came in sight. Will Wallace had left him by that time, and was listening entranced to the fervid exhortations of Dickson of Rutherglen. "The sodgers!" gasped Peter, as he flung himself down to rest. "Comin' this way, lad?" "Na. They're at the Mitchells." "A' safe at the ferm?" asked Andrew quickly. "Ay, I saw the lasses into the hoose."

'How do YOU get on? 'Oh pretty well, sir! We works hard, and we lives hard like the sodgers! In another room, a kind of purgatory or place of transition, six or eight noisy madwomen were gathered together, under the superintendence of one sane attendant.

As to William's sodgers, it's little I fear them; and if all one hears of their doings be true, and I had a pretty young creature a mile away from me, with those blackguards round about her, it's anxious I should be for a line from her hand;" and Larry got down from his seat, and began to walk away towards the village. Walter stood silent for a moment. "Wait, Larry," he said.