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Updated: August 1, 2024

I inquired for our one set of snow-shoes and found they had been left behind. The difference in surface from what was expected makes one wonder whether better conditions may not be expected during the night and in the morning, when the temperatures are low. My suggestion that we should take to night marching has met with general approval.

"Not exactly in danger, except the danger of having to walk at night through the forest, and without snow-shoes." "Hm! not such a small danger that as you seem to think, Flo," said McLeod gravely. "However, these gentlemen got you out of the scrape well, go on."

The next day and the following ones passed without any particular incident; the journey was easy or difficult according to the weather; when it was cold and clear they wore their moccasins and advanced rapidly, when damp and penetrating, their snow-shoes, and made little way.

Beside each sleigh emerged out of the haze the form of the driver a swarthy fellow, on snow-shoes, with hair bound back by a red scarf, and corduroy trousers belted in by another red scarf, and fur gauntlets to his elbows flourishing his whip and yelling, in a high, snarling falsetto, 'marche! marche! the rallying-cry of the French wood-runner since first he set out from Quebec in the sixteen-hundreds to thread his way westward through the wilds of the continent.

Even if there is no improvement in the surface the ponies will rest better during the warmer hours and march better in the night. So we are resting in our tents, waiting to start to-night. Gran has gone back for the snow-shoes he volunteered good-naturedly certainly his expertness on ski is useful. Last night the temperature fell to -6° after the wind dropped to-day it is warm and calm.

"'And then I sang and shouted, Keeping measure as I sped, To the harp-twang of the snow-shoe As it sprang beneath my tread. "'Nor far into the valley Had I dipped upon my way, When a dusky figure joined me In a capuchin of gray, "'Bending upon the snow-shoes With a long and limber stride; And I hailed the dusky stranger, As we traveled side by side.

His picturesque foxskin cap with all its trimmings was incrusted with frost from the breath of his nostrils, and his lagging footfall sounded crisply. The distance he had that day covered was enough for any human endurance; yet he was neither faint nor hungry; but his feet were frozen into the psay, the snow-shoes, so that he could not run faster than an easy slip and slide.

They never find the moose, however, in large numbers for it is a solitary animal, and only associates in pairs during one part of the year, and in families at another season as Basil now found it. In winter the Indians track it through the snow, following it upon snow-shoes.

The river being now hard frozen, Murray sent over a detachment of light infantry under Major Dalling. A sharp fight ensued on the snow, around the church, and in the neighboringforest, where the English soldiers, taught to use snow-shoes by the rangers, routed the enemy, and killed or captured a considerable number. A third post was then established at the church and the priest's house adjacent.

"Hark! how the boughs of the trees are sawing and cracking against each other." "I reckon we may get our snow-shoes out of the store-house, John," said Martin, "and then we shall see how you can get over the ground with them when you go hunting. You have not shot a moose yet." "Is the moose the same as the elk, Martin?" said Henry.

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