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As large as the life! cried I, in admiration 'I see the puppets, the wheelbarrows, every thing as large as life! "Mr. Y then told me, that it was by his grandson's directions that this glass, which he said was called a magnifying-glass, or convex-lens, was added to my show-box.

While the merry girl and myself were busy with the show-box the unceasing rain had driven another wayfarer into the wagon.

'I see, said he, smiling, 'that you have endeavoured to make something useful for the entertainment of my boys; and I will take pains to make it turn out advantageously to you. "The next morning I went to look at my show-box, which Mr.

Again, in "Fancy's Show-Box" we meet with the following: "Or, while none but crimes perpetrated are cognizable before an earthly tribunal, will guilty thoughts, of which guilty deeds are no more than shadows, will these draw down the full weight of a condemning sentence in the supreme court of eternity?" Is this not an induction from or corollary to the preceding?

It happened in a chalk pit: the man went over the edge quite blindly and broke his neck. They searched everywhere for the other, until it occurred to me to ask whether he had ever left the market-place. At first everyone was sure that he had; but when we came to look, he was there, under the show-box, dead too.

"I remember you now," muttered Ethan Brand to the showman. "Ah, Captain," whispered the Jew of Nuremberg, with a dark smile, "I find it to be a heavy matter in my show-box, this Unpardonable Sin! By my faith, Captain, it has wearied my shoulders, this long day, to carry it over the mountain." "Peace," answered Ethan Brand, sternly, "or get thee into the furnace yonder!"

It was a toy, a plaything, a show-box, in which the gods seemed pleased to keep the representation of the great monarchy of earth, and which they afterwards hid from time, to give to the wonder of posterity the moral of the maxim, that under the sun there is nothing new. Crowded in the glassy bay were vessels of commerce and gilded galleys for the pleasures of the rich citizens.

"Broach me every barrel aboard if ever I see sich a vessel," he cried, his astonishment rising with the searching glances he directed aloft and alow. "How old be she?" "She was cast away in seventeen hundred and fifty-three," said I. "Well, I'm durned. She's froze hard, sirree; I reckon she'll want a hot sun to thaw her. Split me, mister, if she ain't worth sailing home as a show-box."

In the "Prophetic Pictures," "Fancy's Show-Box," "The Great Carbuncle," "The Haunted Mind," and "Edward Fane's Rose-Bud," there are flashes of moral insight, which light up, for the moment, the darkest recesses of the individual mind; and few sermons reach to the depth of thought and sentiment from which these seemingly airy sketches draw their sombre life.

Then there was a cry and a crash. The whole show-box fell over backwards; kicking legs were seen among the ruins, and then two figures as some said; I can only answer for one were visible running at top speed across the square and disappearing in a lane which leads to the fields. Of course everybody gave chase. I followed; but the pace was killing, and very few were in, literally, at the death.