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Updated: August 2, 2024

So it happened that she was sitting at the window ae day, musing in her melancholy state, when Jock, according to the advice o' his mither, cam' flying up on a cow's back, wi' the tail over his shouther. And she burst out into a fit o' laughter. When they made inquiry wha made her laugh, it was found to be Jock riding on the cow. Accordingly, Jock was sent for to get his bride.

But I up and says to him, 'I have had enough o' you, says I, 'you and your Hoose wi' the Green Shutters, says I. 'You're no fit to have a decent servant, says I. 'Pay me my wages, and I'll be redd o' ye, says I. And wi' that I flang my kist on my shouther and slapped the gate ahint me." "And did he pay ye your wages?" Tam Wylie probed him slyly, with a sideward glimmer in his eye.

But deil d n me, sir, and I am not wont to swear, but if you touch my Scotch shouther with that shule of yours, I will make six inches of my Andrew Ferrara deevilish intimate with your guts, neighbour." And therewithal, though still retreating from the brandished shovel, he made one-third of the basket-hilled broadsword which he wore, visible from the sheath.

"What's yon he's carrying on his shouther?" pondered Brodie. "It looks like a boax," said the Provost slowly, bending every effort of eye and mind to discover what it really was. He was giving his profoundest cogitations to the "boax." "It is a boax! But who is it though? I canna make him out." "Dod, I canna tell either; his head's so bent with his burden!"

'Look yo' at her! exclaimed Kester to Charley, as he adjusted the fragrant pails on the yoke. 'She thinks she's missus a ready, and she's allays for carrying in t' milk since t' rhumatiz cotched my shouther i' t' back end; and when she says "Yea," it's as much as my heed's worth to say "Nay."

It was just a joy to feel the clouds laying their cheeks to the floods, and the sea laying its shouther to the shore; I sat a' night wi' the helm-heft in my hand, singing o'er and o'er again King David's grand sea sang "The floods, O Lord, hae lifted up They lifted up their voice; The floods have lifted up their waves And made a mighty noise.

He was the champion of the field the hero of the fight. Reiterated shouts again rang from the spectators. Some clapped their hands and cried "Eyemouth yet!" "Wha's like Andrew!" "We'll carry him hame shouther high!" cried some of his townsmen. During the combat, poor Janet had been blind with anxiety, and was supported in the arms of the spectators who saw him rush from her side.

Awa' he sets, and he fa's in wi' a flesher. "Weel," says the flesher, "if ye'll be my servant a' day, I'll gie ye a leg o' mutton at night." "I'll be that," quo' Jock. He got a leg o' mutton at night. He ties a string to it, and trails it behind him the hale road hame. "What hae ye been doing?" said his mither. He tells her. "Hout, you fool, ye should hae carried it on your shouther."

He remembered what had happened to Gibson. This, he had heard, was the very voice with which Gourlay moaned, "Take your hand off my shouther!" ere he hurled Gibson through the window of the Red Lion. Barbie might soon want a new Provost, if he ran in now. But there is always one way of evading punishment for a veiled insult, and of adding to its sting by your evasion.

The saughs tossed an' maned thegether, a long sigh cam' ower the hills, the flame o' the can'le was blawn aboot; an' there stood the corp of Thrawn Janet, wi' her grogram goun an' her black mutch, wi' the heid aye upon the shouther, an' the girn still upon the face o' 't, leevin', ye wad hae said deid, as Mr. Soulis weel kenned, upon the threshold o' the manse.

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