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The poor Hieland body, Dugald Mahony, cam here a while syne, wi' ane o' his arms cuttit off, and a sair clour in the head ye'll mind Dugald, he carried aye an axe on his shouther and he cam here just begging, as I may say, for something to eat. But he grat when he spak o' the Colonel, ye never saw the like.

When I went hame, and informed her o' what I had seen, and o' what I had dune, the auld woman clapped me upon the shouther, and says she 'Nicholas, my man, I am glad that yer ain een have been made a witness in the matter of which your mother forewarned ye. Ye was about to bring disgrace upon your family; but I trust ye have seen enough to be a warning to ye.

"Take your hand off my shouther!" said Gourlay, in a voice the tense quietness of which should have warned Gibson to forbear. But he actually shook Gourlay with a feigned playfulness.

They had made a fine hosenet for me when I was absent twa or three days at Glasgow, upon the king's business But I think I broke up the league about their lugs they'll no be able to hound one clan against another as they hae dune. I hope soon to see the day when a' Hielandmen will stand shouther to shouther. But what chanced next?" This again moved the outlaw's risibility.

The poor Hieland body, Dugald Mahony, cam here a while syne, wi' ane o' his arms cuttit off, and a sair clour in the head ye'll mind Dugald, he carried aye an axe on his shouther and he cam here just begging, as I may say, for something to eat. But he grat when he spak o' the Colonel, ye never saw the like.

'Aweel, he said, 'this suld be nae sic dooms desperate business surely; the lad's doing weel again that was hurt, and what signifies twa or three lead draps in his shouther? if ye had putten out his ee it would hae been another case. But eh, as I wuss auld Sherra Pleydell was to the fore here! Od, he was the man for sorting them, and the queerest rough-spoken deevil too that ever ye heard!

But she did gie me a shake by the shouther, and she plucked the thing out o' my hand, and says she, 'While ever you stay here, don't ye meddle wi' nout that don't belong to ye', and she hung it up on the pin that was there, and shut the door wi' a bang and locked it fast. "Mrs.

And sic part of the kye or stock as I judge it fit to keep, may be driven thither without incommodity say about Wooler, or that gate, keeping aye a shouther to the hills, and the rest may be sauld to gude profit and advantage, if we had grace weel to use and guide these gifts of the warld.

The saughs tossed an' maned thegether, a lang sigh cam' ower the hills, the flame o' the can'le was blawn aboot; an' there stood the corp of Thrawn Janet, wi' her grogram goun an' her black mutch, wi' the heid aye upon the shouther, an' the girn still upon the face o't leevin', ye wad hae said deid, as Mr. Soulis weel kenned upon the threshold o' the manse.

"Well, it could na be a full quarter past twelve, when I sees a lightin' on the wall befoore me, as if something took fire behind, and the shadas o' the bed, and the chair, and my gown, that was hangin' from the wall, was dancin' up and down on the ceilin' beams and the yak pannels; and I turns my head ower my shouther quick, thinkin' something must a gone a' fire.