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Jake helped grandmother to the ground, saying he would bring the provisions after he had blanketed his horses. We went slowly up the icy path toward the door sunk in the drawside. Blue puffs of smoke came from the stovepipe that stuck out through the grass and snow, but the wind whisked them roughly away. Mrs. Shimerda opened the door before we knocked and seized grandmother's hand.

Shimerda could n’t have got hens from her neighbors last fall and had a henhouse going by now. I reckon she was confused and did n’t know where to begin. I’ve come strange to a new country myself, but I never forgot hens are a good thing to have, no matter what you don’t have.”

This is no place to keep vegetables. How did your potatoes get frozen?” “We get from Mr. Bushy, at the post-office,—what he throw out. We got no potatoes, Mrs. Burden,” Tony admitted mournfully. When Jake went out, Marek crawled along the floor and stuffed up the door-crack again. Then, quietly as a shadow, Mr. Shimerda came out from behind the stove.

Shimerda,” grandmother said drily. “I can’t say but I prefer our bread to yours, myself.” Ántonia undertook to explain. “This very good, Mrs. Burden,”—she clasped her hands as if she could not express how good,—“it make very much when you cook, like what my mama say. Cook with rabbit, cook with chicken, in the gravy,—oh, so good!”

A lighted lantern, hung over the stove, threw out a feeble yellow glimmer. Mrs. Shimerda snatched off the covers of two barrels behind the door, and made us look into them. In one there were some potatoes that had been frozen and were rotting, in the other was a little pile of flour.

That Miss Cather no less truly understands the quieter attributes of heroism is made evident by the career of Ántonia Shimerda of Miss Cather's heroines the most appealing. Ántonia exhibits the ordinary instincts of self-preservation hardly at all. She is gentle and confiding; service to others is the very breath of her being.

Pavel snatched the cup and drank, then made Peter give him the bottle and slipped it under his pillow, grinning disagreeably, as if he had outwitted someone. His eyes followed Peter about the room with a contemptuous, unfriendly expression. It seemed to me that he despised him for being so simple and docile. Presently Pavel began to talk to Mr. Shimerda, scarcely above a whisper.

Shimerda had stayed in New York and picked up a living with his fiddle, how different Antonia's life might have been! Antonia often went to the dances with Larry Donovan, a passenger conductor who was a kind of professional ladies' man, as we said. I remember how admiringly all the boys looked at her the night she first wore her velveteen dress, made like Mrs. Gardener's black velvet.

Shimerda understand the friendly intention of our visit, and the Bohemian woman handled the loaves of bread and even smelled them, and examined the pies with lively curiosity, exclaiming, 'Much good, much thank! and again she wrung grandmother's hand. The oldest son, Ambroz they called it Ambrosch came out of the cave and stood beside his mother.

The postmaster, going home, stopped to say that grandfather would bring the coroner back with him to spend the night. The officers of the Norwegian church, he told us, had held a meeting and decided that the Norwegian graveyard could not extend its hospitality to Mr. Shimerda. Grandmother was indignant. “If these foreigners are so clannish, Mr.