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Scollop is an osier sharpened at both ends, by which the thatch of a house is fastened down to the roof. Of a windy day the thatch alone would be utterly useless, if there were no scollops to keep it firm. "An' what 'ud prevent you, Art, from goin' to larn a trade?" asked his father.

SCOLLOP SALAD. Soak twenty-five scollops in salt water for half an hour; rinse them in cold water and boil twenty minutes; drain. Cut them into thin slices; mix with an equal quantity of sliced celery; cover with mayonnaise, garnish, and serve.

The kitchen was as dark and darker than the cider-cellar, and long lines of furrowed scollops ran even up to the chimney-stacks. Several windows fell right inwards, through the weight of the snow against them; and the few that stood, bulged in, and bent like an old bruised lanthorn.

Here they observed a few fishing canoes, but their owners appeared suspicious and fearful, and would not come near them, though their national flag, which was a British union, sewed on a large piece of plain white cotton, with scollops of blue, was streaming from a long staff on the bow. The town, they were told, was yet a good way down the river.

Scollops are osier twigs, sharpened at both ends, and inserted in the thatch, to bind it at the eave and rigging. The proverb inculcates preparation for future necessity.

They wuz like towerin' palaces within a palace, and big towers all covered with wonderful exhibits, and cupalos, and peaks, and scollops, and every peak and every scollop ornamented and garnished beyend your wildest fancy. The United States don't make such a big show as Germany duz, right acrost, but come to look clost, you'll see that she holds her own.

Look here, did you ever notice that when a woman's daughter gits up about grown when the young fellers begin to cut scollops about her did you ever notice that about that time she begins to complain that her husband don't love her? Hah? Did you?" "Oh, it's no sich of a thing," she replied, slowly rocking. "You know you don't love me as much as you did yo' fust wife."

The kitchen was as dark and darker than the cider-cellar, and long lines of furrowed scollops ran even up to the chimney-stacks. Several windows fell right inwards, through the weight of the snow against them; and the few that stood, bulged in, and bent like an old bruised lanthorn.

'Look, mamma, exclaimed Bell, 'it is green and grey, in those pretty broken stripes, and the edge is cut in lovely scollops and bound with green braid. Won't it look pretty among the trees? Aunt Truth came out to join the admiring group. 'O-o-o-h! screamed Polly. 'There comes a piece of the floor. They've sent it all made, in three pieces. What fun!

The bar-tender, hoisting his eyebrows to his scollops of gummed hair, winked at the New South Waler with infinite meaning, and pointed to a cut-glass carafe that stood on the shining nickel-plated counter. It appeared to contain pure sparkling water, but the liquor it held was knock-out whisky, a tintless drink of exceeding potency, above proof. The Australian shook his head.